sargon ii israël

17 Jan sargon ii israël

For only $5 per month you can become a member and support our mission to engage people with cultural heritage and to improve history education worldwide. [11], Sargon's decision was a costly one; on the longer route he had to cross several mountains with his entire army and this, combined with the greater distance, made the campaign take longer time than a direct attack would have. [23], Sargon left Kalhu to attack Urartu in July 714 BC and would have needed at least ten days to reach the Kel-i-šin pass, 190 kilometres (118 miles) away. In the lands surrounding a river called the Uknu, Sargon's forces defeated Aramean and Elamite soldiers, which would prevent these peoples aiding Marduk-apla-iddina. He is mentioned in the inscriptions of his grandson Esarhaddon (r. 681–669 BC),[51] his great-grandson Shamash-shum-ukin (r. 668–648 BC in Babylonia)[52] and his great-great-grandson Sinsharishkun (r. 627–612 BC). Should one day pass by, you will die. By not entering Urartu through the mountain pass, Sargon avoided having to fight in terrain the Urartians were more experienced with. He understood, however, that these kinds of invasions would continue and he would have to repeatedly expend time and resources in dealing with them. [14] Shalmaneser is only mentioned in one of Sargon's inscriptions: Shalmaneser, who did not fear the king of the world, whose hands have brought sacrilege in this city [Assur], put on his people, he imposed the compulsory work and a heavy corvée, paid them like a working class. was ’n Assiriese koning. Sargon II (Akkadies Šarru-ukin, "hy [= die god] het die koning ferm gemaak"; bewind 722 tot 705 v.C.) Sargon's army was defeated and Marduk-apla-iddina secured control of southern Mesopotamia. His greatest building project was the city of Dur-Sharrukin (`Fortress of Sargon’, modern day Khorsabad, Iraq) which became the capital of the Assyrian Empire under his reign. Assur-etil-ilani (626-607 B.C.) [4] La description de la défaite finale du Royaume du Nord d'Israël semble être un événement mineur dans l'héritage de Sargon. [58], This article is about the ancient king. He therefore launched his invasion of Urartu in 714 BCE to carefully avoid an obvious frontal attack. [19], The site in Khorsabad suffered extensive damage during the Iraqi Civil War of 2014–2017, allegedly being looted by the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant in the spring of 2015 and in October 2016, the site was damaged as Kurdish Peshmerga forces bulldozed and built large military posts on top of archaeological remains. [14], This inscription serves more to explain Sargon's rise to the throne than to explain Shalmaneser's downfall. Sargon's response to this insurrection was to immediately march his army to defeat Marduk-apla-iddina. At this time, word reached the court that a tribal chief named Merodach-Baladan had seized control in the city of Babylon. Sargon II brought the Assyrian Empire to its greatest height politically and militarily. The Assyrian records are silent on how he died. Like the great Sargon of Akkad (r. 2334-2279 BCE), founder of the Akkadian Empire, whom he modeled himself after, his throne name of Sargon means `true king’ which scholars have interpreted as his means of legitimizing himself following the coup. Notably, his prolonged siege of Samaria, which had lasted three years, was still ongoing by the time of his death. Most likely his successor Sargon II was a younger son of Tiglath Pileser, taking advantage of his brother’s weakness to seize power; those long and apparently fruitless sieges cannot have been popular with the army and Shalmaneser V had also made himself unpopular back home by trying to introduce an obligation of forced labor to the people of Assur. The enemies of Assyria were seen as peoples who did not respect the gods and they were thus treated and punished as criminals. [28] After the battle, Sargon besieged Dur-Jakin but was unable to take the city. These treasures were used by Marduk-apla-iddina in an attempt to gain asylum in Elam, offering them as a bribe to the Elamite king Shutur-Nahhunte II in order to be admitted entry into his country. Though Tiglath-Pileser claimed to be a son of the king Adad-nirari III (r. 811–783 BC) and thus a member of the Adaside bloodline, the accuracy of this claim is doubtful; Tiglath-Pileser seized the Assyrian throne in the midst of a civil war and slaughtered the entire then incumbent royal family (including the incumbent king, his supposed nephew, Ashur-nirari V). Mark, J. J. [20] Sargon was highly involved in the construction project, constantly supervising it while also holding court at Kalhu and receiving and entertaining foreign envoys from countries such as Egypt or Kush. ), Journal of Cuneiform Studies 40 (1988), pp. Rusa was aware that the Assyrians were likely to invade his kingdom and had probably kept most of his remaining army by Lake Urmia following his victory over the Mannaeans as the lake was close to the Assyrian border. The Assyrian captivity (or Assyrian exile) is the period in Jewish history during which a number of Jews of the ancient Kingdom of Israel were captives in Assyria. [11] Once Sargon had crossed the Tigris and one of the branches of the Euphrates and arrived at the city Dur-Ladinni, near Babylon, Marduk-apla-iddina became frightened, possibly because he either had little true support from the people and priesthood of Babylon or because most of his army had already been defeated at Dur-Athara. According to Sargon's own inscriptions, 27,290 Jews were deported from Israel and resettled across the Assyrian Empire, following the standard Assyrian way of dealing with defeated enemy peoples through resettlement. Ancient History Encyclopedia. Il est généralement considéré comme le frère et successeur de Salmanazar V, dont il fut le général.Toutefois, certains spécialistes avancent qu'il serait issu d'une branche collatérale de la famille royale car son avènement au trône est contesté. Though much what was excavated at Dur-Sharrukin was left at Khorsabad, reliefs and other artefacts have since been transported away and are today exhibited across the world, notably at the Louvre, the Oriental Institute of the University of Chicago and the Iraq Museum. Assyrian king. [27] While Sargon resided at Babylon, Sennacherib continued to act as regent in Kalhu, Sargon only returning to the Assyrian heartland when the court was moved to Dur-Sharrukin in 706 BC. [5] Tiglath-Pileser's claim to relation with the preceding dynasty appears only in king lists, in his own personal inscriptions there is a noticeable lack of familial references (otherwise common in inscriptions by Assyrian kings) and these instead stress that he had been called upon and personally appointed by Assur, the god of Assyria. [27] Because he did not wish to fight the Assyrians, he left Babylon at night, carrying with him as much of the treasury and his personal royal furniture (including his throne) as his entourage could carry. When they reopen, Shalmaneser V – only five years on the throne and carrying on two sieges simultaneously – is dead. Dur-Athara had been fortified by Marduk-apla-iddina but was quickly taken by Sargon's forces and renamed Dur-Nabu with a new province, "Gambulu", proclaimed as composing the territory surrounding the city. In 717 BCE, Sargon II accused the king of Carchemish of intrigue with the enemies of Assyria and invaded the city with his entire army. Our latest articles delivered to your inbox, once a week: Numerous educational institutions recommend us, including Oxford University and Michigan State University and University of Missouri. [11], Sargon's later campaigns varied in success. While Kalhu had been renovated extensively by Ashurnasirpal II, it was still a settlement that had grown over time somewhat organically. After Sargon ascended to the throne, he quickly abolished the tax and labor policies that were in place (and which he criticized in his later inscriptions) and then proceeded to quickly resolve Shalmaneser's campaigns. In 1845, Assyriologist Isidor Löwenstern was the first to suggest that the Sargon briefly mentioned in the Bible was the builder of Dur-Sharrukin, though he still believed this was the same king as Esarhaddon. The city's great temple, the temple of Haldi (the Urartian god of war), had been revered since the late 3rd millennium BC and had received gifts and donations for centuries. [11], Though inspiration was taken from the layout of Kalhu, the plans of the two cities were not identical. [20] The treasury secured from Carchemish was so rich in silver that the Assyrian economy changed from being primarily bronze-based to being primarily silver-based. That he would have been a usurper is mainly based on one of several possible interpretations of the meaning behind his name (that it would mean "the legitimate king") and on that his numerous inscriptions rarely discuss his origin. 15 Jan 2021. Sargon II retaliated by re-taking the cities, driving the Urartian forces out of Assyrian lands, and razing their southern provinces along the border. The lack of time forced Sargon to abandon his plan to fully conquer Urartu and take the kingdom's capital, Tushpa, because his campaign had to be completed before October so that the mountain passes did not become blocked by snow. [11][27], Instead, Marduk-apla-iddina took up residence in the city Iqbi-Bel, but Sargon soon pursued him there and the city surrendered to him without the need for a battle. Furthermore, Tiglath-Pileser began a successful series of conquests, subjugating the kingdoms of Babylon and Urartu and conquering the Mediterranean coastline. [20], In 717 BC, Sargon conquered the small, but wealthy, Kingdom of Carchemish. The first scholarly reference above tells us that the Gimirrai suddenly appeared in history during the reign of Sargon II, 722-705 B.C. by Osama Shukir Muhammed Amin (CC BY-NC-SA). He personally designed the city and chose the location but then again was drawn away by military matters. Sargon II also refers to Shalmaneser V as his brother by blood and not `brother’ as an honorary title. faced rebellion from Syro-Palestinian states after ascending to the throne. As attested in other inscriptions, Sargon did not see the injustices described as actually having been imposed by Shalmaneser V. Other inscriptions by Sargon state that the tax exemptions of important cities like Assur and Harran had been revoked "in ancient times" and the compulsory work described would have been conducted in the reign of Tiglath-Pileser, not Shalmaneser.[14]. He now ruled all of Mesopotamia and the Assyrian Empire was at its greatest expanse, wealth, and might to date. This suggests that the Sargonid dynasty was not necessarily well connected to previous Assyrian monarchs.[13]. The army had, by this time, been marching through hard terrain in early summer and, though they had been resupplied and watered by previously conquered Medes, they were exhausted by the time they made final camp. Somehow, it was thought, Sargon II had committed some sin in order for the gods to have abandoned him so completely on the battlefield. Though Tiglath-Pileser is known to have been a usurper, Sennacherib was the legitimate son and heir of Sargon. I made the surging flood of Assyrians easily cross over its difficult height and on top of that mountain I set up camp. Brief overview of The Destruction of the Northern Kingdom of Israel in 722 BC as recorded in the Old Testament during the period of the Kings of Judah. Though Sargon claimed to be the son of the previous king Tiglath-Pileser III (r. 745–727 BC), this is uncertain and he probably gained the throne through usurping it from Shalmaneser V. Sargon is recognized as one of the most important Neo-Assyrian kings due to his role in founding the Sargonid dynasty, which would rule the Neo-Assyrian Empire until its fall less than a century after Sargon's death. 8. 721 to 702, and seems to have been a usurper.He was undoubtedly a great and successful warrior. One beacon, lit, flared up on its mountaintop into an enormous bonfire that appeared as a spark to the next distant post, where the next bonfire could then be lit. According to Sargon's own account, "their morale turned mutinous. He raised my head; let me take hold of the scepter, the throne and the tiara. The Northern Kingdom of Israel was conquered by the Neo-Assyrian monarchs, Tiglath-Pileser III (Pul) and Shalmaneser V.The later Assyrian rulers Sargon II … Sennacherib (705-681 B.C.) This had not gone over well. Ancient History Encyclopedia Foundation is a non-profit organization. He lay waste the villages and cities and then turned in a half-circle to come at Babylon from the southeast. Today, Sargon is recognized as one of the Neo-Assyrian Empire's most important kings through his role in founding the Sargonid dynasty, which would rule Assyria until its fall roughly a century after his death. Assur-banipal (668-626 B.C.) Through the campaign, which did not serve to establish Assyrian rule on the island, but just to aid their ally, the Assyrians gained detailed knowledge of Cyprus (which they called Adnana) for the first time in their history. Sargon II took the throne, abolished the taxation and labor policies, and ended the sieges his brother’s administration had prolonged. Since there exist no records of such punishment ever actually being carried out, it is likely that these were simply threats. [17], Another possible interpretation is that the name means "the legitimate king" and thus might have been a name chosen to enforce the king's legitimacy after his usurpation of the throne. It was for this reason that the previous Assyrian kings who had fought against Urartu had never fully defeated them.

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