how to describe and analyse a painting

17 Jan how to describe and analyse a painting

If you want more painting tips, check out my Painting Academy course. Keep up the good work. : A ‘painting‘ is a picture or image that is created when paint or other pigments are applied to a solid surface such as canvas or paper. This one is a puzzle with so much meaning hidden inside, but what it can offer you is blurred and not clear, so you can only try to read between the strokes of paint. In many cases, this information can be found on a label or in a gallery guidebook. Many more to come. Critics tend to focus more on modern and contemporary art from cultures close to their own. Your email articles are an amazing source of education for me. Critics tend to focus more on modern and contemporary art from cultures close to their own. The artist used light colors to describe the light created by the candle flame. Then, go a step further and analyze how the artist is emphasizing these areas. By doing this, you will be able to objectively analyze what you are seeing. The yellow sky indicates that this is painted under a warm light. Knowledge . In this painting, the dark colors suggest a night or interior scene. What areas are being emphasized and what areas are left vague? Or it might be something deeper. Otherwise, move on to another painting. But if you are looking at a photo of a painting, you can “cheat” by converting the photo to grayscale to clearly see the notan structure. Although we may call both “red,” a ripe strawberry has higher saturation (i.e., intensity of color) and higher value (i.e., closer to white than to black) than a bing cherry. Is there any directional brushwork? A quick smudge creating an extra branch stopped it. Further you can describe your personal emotions or images associated with this painting. Where was it originally located? Found that post really interesting.thank you, Don, Analysis If you could interview the artist, what questions would you ask? Great post! The main tip is to observe and describe the formal elements of the artwork generally and in detail, before analysing it in relation to any external factors. Any statements you make about the work should be based on the analysis in Part III above. The first thing you should do when analyzing an artwork is to break it down in terms of the visual elements. You are explaining exactly what I need to get my hands to create what I see in my mind. If you do not understand what plagiarism is, refer to this link at the UALR Copyright Central web site: For proper footnote form, refer to the UALR Department of Art website, or to Barnet’s A Short Guide to Writing About Art, which is based on the Chicago Manual of Style. Powerful statements which abruptly stop this flow. Thank you. 113-134 is about formal analysis; the entire book is excellent for all kinds of writing assignments. Is there a sense of depth and atmosphere (atmospheric perspective)? In your analysis, focus on two or … Is it an abstraction of something? Describe why the art is so appealing to you. This is not designed to be a negative process. The language of art history. Title of the Work 2. How to Analyze a Painting and Write an Essay Visual Analysis of Leonardo da Vinci's painting — La Belle Ferronnière La belle ferronnière is a portrait of a certain lady that has been attributed to Leonardo da Vinci. Thank you for these helpful posts. Have a close look at the picture and decide on how to structure your picture description. xxii-xxv is a brief outline. Thank you so much. What Path Do Your Eyes Take Around The Painting? What do you see in terms of lines, shapes, colors and textures? My question is: Did the mind of those old master was analytic enough to apply all these aspects, such as contrast, Notan, values, composition, complementary colors, and so on? ), so I very much appreciate any tips/instructions. Is there a common theme with the brushwork? I don’t even know what questions to ask and here you are answering them? Are the scale and linear perspective accurate? Describe five elements of art 3. Think Claude Monet. This is the key part of your paper. The artist of this surrealistic painting uses the shades of red, blue, and black to (with perfect harmony, perfection and precision) bring out visual illusions and abstract figures similar to those found in works of some of the world's renowned artists. worksheet: vocabulary to describe a painting. If possible try painting it. That said, an understanding of the meaning of Read it out loud and see if it makes sense. I’m still learning about the technical parts of painting, as I just started painting without having any idea of the how to’s. First, find the aspect of a painting you wish to talk about (the colors, for instance), and then see which words match or fit with what you're thinking. The essay should not be too long. I am more able to look at it from their eyes… what they saw at the time they stopped. This is also adds to the #D feeling of the surface. You may need to write a critical analysis of an article, book, film, painting, or other text. and dissecting it for the artist’s intended meaning and means of execution. Pay attention to the date the paper is due. The key to this task is to ask ‘why’ a LOT! I come back to it and can see what adjustments are needed. Tell what elements are dominant. Preview and details Files included (1) doc, 172 KB. Sort by: Top Voted. Then into the clouds and around to the top center of the painting. Artists in the early 20th century began painting in this manner as a way of evoking deep unconscious emotions. Does the viewer look up at it, or down at it? What is art? Tell what is shown. Your article opened up a whole new knowledge about art to me. Visual analysis is the process of looking at a piece of visual art (painting, photography, film, etc.) Anyway, thanks for the great post. Painting visual pictures: an art essay is an essay that showcases visual arts and creative ideas that people have come up with. What is a painting? It is not subtle, but this kind of paintings has never been easy for understanding. Did the artist use the subject in other artworks. Very nice and informative. Describe how you would feel if you were a WWI soldier. Medium (material) 4. Use this sheet as a guide when writing a formal analysis paper.Consider the following when analyzing a work of art. What Are The Main Focal Points And Any Other Key Features? Using neutral terms, describe the artwork. The path your eyes take reveals a lot of information about how the artwork is put together. It is often said that warm colors (red, orange, yellow) come forward and produce a sense of excitement (yellow is said to suggest warmth and happiness, as in the smiley face), whereas cool colors (blue, green) recede and have a calming effect. The painting expresses Neoplatonic views while also providing the viewer with endless topics for discussion and analysis, making it a true conversation piece. My eyes seem to transition between these three points. It looks like you've lost connection to our server. The more words you use to describe the color, texture, and values, the better when describing a painting’s image. In many cases, this information can be found on a label or in a gallery guidebook. PCs, tablets, and smartphones show vivid images, but the painting will look different from the original because the light comes from the back of the image on a computer instead of the morning reflecting off the paint. I haven’t been trained professionally and most of what I do is hit and miss (lots of misses! I need distill this to a card to hang on my easels. This analysis made an impact on me since I understand now how judges who critique art work chose the winners in a competition, I guess. Try to relax and don’t overthink it. It should be the longest section of the paper. This abrupt stop goes against the flow of the water and creates a powerful statement in the painting. A violin and a candlestick are very meaningful symbols, so you can muse over why the artist depicted them. Makes a person think about painting in a different way. Created: Jan 12, 2016. doc, 172 KB. In fact, there are words to comment on every single aspect of art. Liz Phelan. In this post, we look into formal analysis. Describe your senses and try to elaborate onthe images depicted in the painting. You are a good teacher and I look forward to your lessons. Hi Liz. Thanks, Dan. The “Garden of Love” depicts a scene of passionate festivities. Here are some questions to help you analyze the brushwork: If you want to see virtuoso brushwork in action, then check out the paintings of Joaquín Sorolla. In the slide show for this 2008 article, “Color as Field: American Painting,” the artist Helen Frankenthaler’s painting “Flood” is described as exuberant, exemplifying how artists use color to convey expression: . In this post, I discuss how to analyze art using a series of questions which you can ask yourself. Is it a representation of something? Quick Paints are killers and I am rethinking about participating in them. Describe the Strongest Art elements in the painting. These questions might help you gain a better appreciation of what is going on. You will be able to simplify most paintings down to a fairly basic color scheme. Thanks, very informative and educational. After having read about the painter, describe this person to your audience, and, if possible, point to techniques in the painting that are typical of this painter. Are there any light/dark/colorful accents? Critical Analysis (20 points) In today's TV society, people are accustomed to instant gratification. Texture The texture of this painting is smooth but very layered and it is a stimulated texture as it is trying to imitate texture and in this case he used a thick paint to build up textures. There appears to be a theme of warm lights and cool shadows. This is a moderately sized painting, and that changes where we stand in relationship to the painting. Sometimes it might just be to communicate the beauty of the landscape the artist saw. Tell what the subject is and what aspects are emphasized. Process (how it was made) 5. Required fields are marked *. Ranging from general concepts, like brushwork and composition, to specific techniques, including chiaroscuro and trompe l'oeil, this arsenal of art terms offers everything you need to make the most out of your next museum visit.. Analyze art like a professional with this art history glossary. For example: “The landscape of the painting is associated with the vacation, which the viewer wants so much to spend on the shores of the azure sea, far from the hustle and bustle of daily worries, plunging into peace and quiet.” In the next paragraph, describe all the feelings from what you saw. Your description should include things like the form and scale of the work. Your description should include things like the form and scale of the work. Hi Dan, I love the features you send and think that you are a wonderful teacher. Failure to do so is considered plagiarism, and violates the behavioral standards of the university. ), Provenance (Where was it made? It is easy to look at a great painting through rose-colored glasses. When we analyse a workpiece we must take into account both the formal aspects and … Improving creativity: the whole purpose of art essays is to provide a platform for students to tap into their creative side and vividly paint a picture of a certain image using words. Light reflected off objects. Just painting what I see from a photo which I took. Thank you for this excellent article. Dear Dan Scott, I really thank you very much, I have started following your posts since June of this year. There may be an artist’s statement available in the gallery. Thanks Jim – appreciate the kind words! October 15, 2018 by Dan Scott 50 Comments. Although you don't have to know anything about the artist in order to be moved by a painting, it is likely that the viewer with the greatest knowledge of the abstract artist and his or her background will most appreciate and understand the artwork. It is the same as listening to a world-class violinist perform a concert by Beethoven. Dan. No more, no less. Windgate Center of Art + Design, Room 202, College of Business, Health, and Human Services, College of Humanities, Arts, Social Sciences, and Education, Donaghey College of Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics, Arkansas Small Business and Technology Development Center, Center for Integrative Nanotechnology Sciences, Guidelines for Writing Art History Research Papers, Annual Arkansas College Art History Symposium,, But, painting plein air, my usual mode… it’s much harder to get a clean look. ), Technique and Medium (What materials is it made of? I enjoy your posts immensely. How to Describe Art By Benna Crawford ... reaches beyond the purely personal to evoke a sense of the artwork for the reader. ), Line (straight, curved, angular, flowing, horizontal, vertical, diagonal, contour, thick, thin, implied etc. This one of your best posts. Really appreciate the flattering words! When you stand in front of a very large painting, you tend to stand back, we want to take it all in. Preparation. For example, maybe the reds and oranges are strong and saturated, whilst the blues and greens are dull and weak. This is a very high-level analysis of the painting. …a formal analysis – the result of looking closely – is an analysis of the form that the artist produces; that is, an analysis of the work of art, which is made up of such things as line, shape, color, texture, mass, composition. A brief history of representing the body in Western painting. Thank you again. Your post was very well written. If the art depicts figures or objects rather than abstract shapes, describe what is represented. Is there any broken color? Get to know the Elements of art to consider in the analysis of a sculpture. Really glad to read that and thankful I can help you on your journey! Be sure and think about whether the work of art selected is a two-dimensional or three-dimensional work. In a few sentences describe the work. Observe the painting for at least ten minutes without letting yourself be distracted. Ensure that your defense covers an angle that has not already been covered for uniqueness. To write an in-depth analysis, describe how your society, era, experiences and surroundings affected your creating the piece of art. Place and time – La scène se passe à / en.. You may find that once you develop a better understanding of what is going on in a great painting, you may gain a better appreciation of art. Using the charcoal pencil try to reproduce your own drawing of the animal on a piece of clean smooth white paper. Эта статья рассказывает о том, как описать картину на английском языке, а вот где можно научиться описывать картинку или фотографию!. Moises. Thank you for your generosity. In my painting below, I wanted to capture the depth of the landscape and the stunning blues of the distant mountain. STEP 2 DESCRIBE the picture (general impression, parts, etc.). Thanks again for lighting my way. What colors are pushed forward and what colors are held back? If you are analyzing a painting in life, then you need to rely on your ability to translate color into value to see the underlying notan structure. Article source: Artist or Architect (What person or group made it? How to Describe Texture in a Painting By Diana Nolen Texture found in a painting. Portraits & Self-Portraits. Think Vincent van Gogh. If the title is long, you must use the full title the first time you mention it, but may shorten the title for subsequent listings. You have the ability to write, illustrate and explain complex ideas visually. For this I am very grateful to you for your clarity and guidance. Thanks, Dan. If so, indicate in your text or by a footnote or endnote to your paper where you got the information. Thanks, Dan. Using neutral terms, describe the artwork. I think the ability to better evaluate my own work will help me create more interesting and appealing art. About this resource. What colors were used on the artist’s palette? I actually appreciate people stopping and distracting me. Here the horizontal strokes are met by vertical strokes, and the blues and purples are met by greens, reds and oranges. It’s so easy to not check for some of them, only to see a gaff later. The only thing I can say is thank you. There may be an artist’s statement available in the gallery. STEP 4 CONCLUDE / GIVE YOUR OPINION about the picture. This is a very brief guide to what a formal visual analysis of a painting is – there’s plenty more to look at and discuss – but I hope it gives you a way in. Was it made before or after other similar works? ART CRITICISM (describe / analyze / interpret / judge) DEScrIbE 1. | I am offering a description/analysis of your product. YOU DONT NEED TO KNW MUCH ABOUT ART JUST ANALYSE WHAT YOU SEE. 3. Describe the two paintings in detail so that your readers can easily visualize them without actually seeing them. A common cause of confusion among students is the nature of the analysis itself. Then I arrive at the bottom left of the painting. Where are your eyes drawn towards in the painting? Thanks for reposting this to newcomers! Your instructor may have a list of “approved works” for you to write about, and you must be aware of when the UALR Galleries, or the Arkansas Arts Center Galleries, or other exhibition areas, are open to the public. The emphasis should be on analyzing the formal elements—not interpreting the artwork. Your email address will not be published. Is it a copy of something older? That is exactly what I like to hear thanks Joyce! I am an amateur painter and I find your posts always help me move forward. For only $5, yusrahn will analyse and describe products and art. Glad to hear Bee! Often this is not known. Louisa, I am new….and learning. Then I follow the clouds back down into the water and along the reflections. Looking at Art: Seeing Questions When looking at a work of art, students might be asked to: Describe it. Students in art history survey and upper-level classes further develop this skill. Your strokes follow the turbulent movement of the water. Since abstract art is primarily about the formal elements of design, rather than necessarily based on recognizable images, it is very significant how the artist has used the elements of art to convey particular principles of art, for this is what gives the painting its meaning and feeling. The artist has used the elements of line, shape, and texture. For example, green against red; thick against thin; organic against geometric; lines against shapes; dark against light. Describe how accurate you think the painting is compared to the photograph. Painting, the expression of ideas and emotions, with the creation of certain aesthetic qualities, in a two-dimensional visual language. I really enjoy getting your posts. Oftentimes, students should write an art analysis essay that isn’t always easy […] Dan. When I heard about the observation essay, where we have to write about a person or thing in the city that catches your eye. SUPPORT THE NERDWRITER ON PATREON: fullscreen to get the full effect. I don’t know why, but I felt that the painting was describing the way I felt at that moment. This was so informative and exciting! Thank you Dan , Happy to be able to help Julie! Also, notice the horizontal brushwork used for both areas. Categories & Ages. I appreciate it! The experience that you have and the objectivity of your comments are contributing to me each time to see clearly each important topic for a beginner like me. Start by reading critically to understand the author’s argument and begin forming your own opinion of it. Thanks so much. ), Location (Where is the work of art now? Or they did it by chance? This is similar to how wild casino work as well as deal or no deal online works when it comes to playing casino games, I like your posts very intressting. describing-a-painting. If possible, look closely at the painting to see the artist’s brushwork. In any analysis, keep in mind the following: HOW and WHY is this a significant work of art? Wow!! This is the part of the paper where you go beyond description and offer a conclusion and your own informed opinion about the work. Thanks Dan Scott. Info. It involves slight gradations that alter the surface structure. In the painting below by Childe Hassam, I have indicated how I see the painting in terms of the visual elements. M. Stokstad and M. W. Cothren, Art History (5th edition, 2014), “Starter Kit,” pp. Clusters of circular shapes for the plants and flowers; Lines on the dress to give a sense of form; Varied colors and lines to create the illusion of plants and vines; and. Try to describe and then ANALYSE the artwork by asking why this colour, shape or idea. If the art depicts figures or objects rather than abstract shapes, describe what is represented. STEP 3 ANALYZE and INTERPRET the picture (context, reactions, etc.). Analysis of use of light and role of color, e.g., contrasty, shadowy, illogical, warm, cool, symbolic, etc. Have any areas been simplified in terms of detail? Articles | Categories | Free Resources | Products | Gallery | About, Claude Monet, The Thames Below Westminster, 1871, Claude Monet, The Cliff Near Dieppe, 1882, Edgar Payne, Canyon Mission Viejo, Capistrano, Giovanni Boldini, Girl With Black Cat, 1885, Childe Hassam, Poppies, Isles Of Shoals, 1891, Joaquín Sorolla, On The Rocks At Javea, 1905. Just happy to help. 1 Explore the learning and benefits of analyzing art.. 2 Learn about the four steps of art analysis- Describe, Analyze, Interpret, and Decide/Evaluate.. 3 Discover activities for analyzing art from vocabulary attainment to artist statements.. Understanding Describe the painting. Certainly look intensely at the real painting that you choose to describe. What is the style (impressionism, realism, etc)? I wrote about notan in detail here. To describe that difference precisely requires technical terminology. As you can see, some questions are more important than others but this is a good start and you have enough information for a description. ), Date (When was it made? Support your discussion of content with facts about the work. Or in other words, if you could indicate the gesture of the artwork with a single line, what would it look like? You are welcome to hold and move your characters, or leave them sitting still in front of the artwork, but you must both provide their voices and take turns in describing and asking questions about the artwork. If you don’t understand what is going on in a master artwork, how could you expect to learn how to paint it for yourself? For whom? Writing a Formal Analysis in Art History The goal of a formal analysis is to explain how the formal elements of a work of art affect the representation of the subject matter and expressive content. ), Light and Value (source, flat, strong, contrasting, even, values, emphasis, shadows), Color (primary, secondary, mixed, complimentary, warm, cool, decorative, values), Texture and Pattern (real, implied, repeating), Space (depth, overlapping, kinds of perspective), Scale and Proportion (weight, how objects or figures relate to each other and the setting), Interior/Exterior Relationship (architecture). I was so enchanted by the painting, I lost the group I was with. Learn by example and become a better writer with Kibin’s suite of essay help services. Allow time to proofread your paper. Where the water meets the shore in the foreground, notice how there are dashes of light blue in the dark purple shore, and dashes of dark purple in the light blue water. Use the present tense in describing works of art. , … Is it a non-objective work? By experiencing and thinking about your emotions, you can analyze an abstract painting. Cite specific textual evidence to support analysis of primary and secondary sources. I suggest you use these questions to analyze one of your favorite paintings. Subject Matter (Who or What is Represented?) 1. You are helping me make sense of what I want to create. How was it executed? What does it look like? Observe the painting for at least ten minutes without letting yourself be distracted. Explain three principles of design Rina (South Africa), Thanks so much for the information. How would you describe the use of color saturation. I liked the detailed article and as an artist who is still learning, I just bagged a lot of lessons from it. I look forward to more posts from you. Being able to analyze an artwork is essential for developing as an artist and to fully appreciate what the great artists create. You sound like you are on the right track! Start by putting your thoughts into a simple sentence such as this: The [aspect] is [quality]. Subject Matter (Who or What is Represented? I did my first workshop in acrylics in July this year at USQ having never drawn or painted. Many paintings by the impressionists have weak notan designs but make up for it with a complex harmony of colors. Describe what you see. Often this is not known. Always italicize or underline titles of works of art. MLA style is not acceptable for papers in art history. Actually analyze a painting on their own 2. That is great to hear! Take them off for a moment and try to find mistakes or things you would do better. R. J. Belton, Art History: A Preliminary Handbook is probably more useful for a research paper in art history, but parts of this outline relate to discussing the form of a work of art. Great comment Mary thanks so much for sharing. Remember that any information you use from another source, whether it be your textbook, a wall panel, a museum catalogue, a dictionary of art, the internet, must be documented with a footnote. Texture gives a complex variation of paint forms with little effort needed. Describing paintings or other art pictures (e. g. caricatures) is something for the advanced learner of English as you also have to talk about the artists intention and the impression on the viewer. The fluent connection comes to a stop at the land on the left of the painting. Color. Hi Miguel. Print the description on a flier or letter and send it with the artwork to potential buyers and galleries. In Claude Monet's painting below, blues of the sky connect with blues of the water.

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