disadvantages of mobile phones for students

17 Jan disadvantages of mobile phones for students

You can clear any doubt you have and get a great explanation with the help of mobile phones. I spoke few sentences on advantages of mobile phone which I had taken from this page Required fields are marked *. But, it doesn’t mean that you can’t live a life without a mobile phone. Am really satisfied to read it…. Usually, people are seen busy with playing games, listening music, using the internet, sending messages and chatting for hours on cell phones, which is not good for health and also not good morally. The use of cell phones creates higher levels of electronic waste. And permission to add this on my research. THANKS FOR YOUR INFORMATION ABOUT MOBILE PHONES . Another advantage of the mobile phone is if students get absent or miss some lecture or notes, he/she can communicate to his friends to inform him of the lecture note or homework. Every technology has its own advantages and disadvantages for Students. Thank you so much for appreciating us . Advantages and Disadvantages of Mobile Phone for Students are given in the above side and it is up to students that how they use the mobile. Thank you..it helped me with some information to write my essay.. What are you going to do when you get some doubts on the subject? On 21st of March 2015, Google slightly changed their policy on all websites, which says, all websites and blogs must have a user-friendly design with all mobile devices. So the ringing tone completely disturbs others and the lecturer. For any video explanation, you can use the YouTube. Supports self-paced learning: People learn at different rates, and mobile learning allows people to learn in their own way at their own individual pace. In 2008, an observational study titled “Effect of cell phone usage on semen analysis in men attending infertility clinic” shown the result that the use of mobile phones by men is associated with a decrease in semen quality. This is one of the major flaws with the rise of technology. aid this distraction. But nowadays, keeping the cell phone is not a big deal. Disadvantages of Mobile Phones. This blog was very useful for me because I have write more things that was very important for my assignment …. However, while using mobile phones, we have to keep in mind that what are the advantages and disadvantages of mobile phones. Thus I advice to be mentally prepared so that we can control our mind from being deviated and should use the technology only as per requirements. They have occupied such a huge place in our daily lives that it is no wonder that for most of us, a smartphone is the first thing we look at in the morning and it is the last thing we see before going to bed. Students can also study online by using mobile phones, which is very convenient for them. Where can I get your personal information? This one is pretty obvious but bare with us. It’s possible to watch newly released movies on your mobile phone with ‘Netflix’, and ‘Amazing Prime Video’. In old age, keeping the mobile phone was a symbol of a very rich man and it was very rare. They can be life savers. Mobile phones aid communication. And at the end of the study session … Students kill their precious time using smart phones. When we look back to early days, only aged people follow the news around the world. Because of using the mobile phones. Hello sir, its really so helpful for me.. thanks sir. In the 21st century, the sexual activities and violent acts are considerably growing day by day. You must know: Advantages And Disadvantages Of Television In Points 6 – Road Accidents You May Interested In: Top 10 Phones With Good Cameras And Battery Life. Filed Under: Pros/Cons Tagged With: inspire, Phones, students, you could sand me more Information about disadvantages having mobile for the students. Add to this the cell phone towers constantly popping up to give us ever-improving reception and even being in a building or outside of the city … But now students can right away make a call to a friend or a teacher and clear their doubts as soon as possible. Mobile Phones are a big distraction and don’t let you concentrate on your studies. So students, if you have a mobile phone get more good material and avoid getting into unwanted stuff. It is very helpful. …. It’s good. Another one, some students want to have a mobile phone, but their parents don’t allow them to have one. 4 – Disturb other students Every person uses a mobile phone for daily life communication and business purposes. You must read: Best 5 Tips On Saving Money For College Students. But nowadays the trend changed and even school students know what is happening around the world. But given the fact that almost everyone today owns at least a basic mobile phone and the majority have their phone on hand at all times, you’re able to get in touch with people nearly 24/7. After you have done you can restart your journey. I loved this article.???????????? One of the disadvantages of keeping mobile phones is it stains the brain memory. Yep!Mobile phones can give not only advantages but also disadvantages.I like your explanation about mobile phones for students.And It is also helpful for my presentation.Thanks!!! I’ll try to send you when I get time.. where you from????????.. This sense of addiction may correspond with dependency and heavy usage. If students have a mobile phone, it is easy to contact anyone when they need. They interrupt you a lot when you are doing some work with their notifications. Hi Mayuri, Several students have shown that men who use a cell phone frequently have lower sperm count viability and mobility than those who do not. When we talk about school students, there are advantages and disadvantages having a mobile phone. The mobile phone works harder to get the signal out through the metal, which increases the power level. You can also share this post with your friends and family by clicking one of the social share buttons below. i expect that such blogs are published regularly. If you missed one important lecture you can phone a friend and get to know about the whole lecture. Mobile phone usage at school can potentially affect students' mental health due to the impacts on social interaction and the effects of misuse. You don’t need a calculator as long as you have a mobile phone. Thanks for your support on this blog It is improving the way of life. You can use “Contact Me” option at the right side bottom of the page if you need my personal information. Total concentration is required when it comes to driving, but using a mobile phone surely affects your 100% attention on driving. Although it has provided with the convenience the brains are stained. Mobile phones emit special kind of electric waves that can harmful for the students and it can damage his brain if used for loner period. In today’s world, mobile phones have completely changed daily communication life to connect with peoples. 1. Having a mobile phone with the students in school, colleges and universities are very common now. Nd keep it up! Every individual is seen with a mobile phone no matter which class does he belong to. Many of us put our calendars, contacts, and personal information into our phones. Nowadays more searches come from mobile devices compared to PCs and laptops. Students can fall ill or forget anything at home and request parents to come and help. Because of mobile phones, students never have to look for a pay phone or wonder about the location of a friend. helped me source some very important points for my state level debate… i suggest you write the pros and cons of privatization soon bcause, it the topic for the next level… very resourceful thank you. Glad to know that one of my posts helped you on your school. If a student is playing games all the time then it is better to take the phone away from them. Parents can also have emergencies where children need to get home. Mobile phones are a source of entertainment to students, in their leisure time they play online games and listen music to get entertained. Using mobile phones in class can distract students from attending class with attention. But if they play games once in a while, then it’s totally fine. Students can improve themselves with the help of mobile phone, or they can spoil their life with the same mobile phone. If you have such ideas, just drop that in the comment box below. Mobile phones connect them with the world, they know the current issues of the world and remain up-to-date. Thank you for your suggestion. This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. For example, a student with a mobile phone can use a calculator for mathematics. I think they love it because they can download so many games. 2 – Involvement in unwanted things I am so blessed with these articles to day i don’t know what to say because it is one of my assignment which it has been given my lecturer and i have found almost everything here “best answers” it is very very helpful for me. Here are a few disadvantages of using mobile phones for long hours. Like everything has a positive and a negative side, mobile phones too have some advantages and disadvantages. It’s very helpful for me and my friends also. A family chain is very important and tries to make them understand that. Moreover, there are a number of online free tutorials available for the children and other willing audience. Reallllllllllyyyyyyyyyyyy helpful for me thankuuuuuuuuuuuuuu so much. Just drop me a mail and I’ll reply to your text. So mobile phones have … 1. It is very clear to all that mobile phones came to this world for emergency purposes. Whether they’re taking selfies or texting in class, cell phones can be very detrimental to a student’s ability to pay attention in class. You don’t need an extra camera or video recorder as long as you have a Smartphone with you. Study Loss; Another biggest disadvantages for students is they have very high loss of their studies. Playing games, facebook, and other tools can easily distract them. I need it in my essay’s reference. Taking a mobile phone with you when you go hiking is a basic safety precaution. very nice it helped me in my project.thank youuuuuu. Where there are some advantages of the Mobile phone there are also some disadvantages of Mobile phone for students too. Hence mobile phone is also called as a smart phone. Thank you, You can use this site name ‘Worth of Read’, thank you…soooo much…..it’s very helpful me…and help my lab work..and thanks for your feedback…, can igeta dialogue between father and son talking about advantages and dis advantages of mobile phone, and also about two friends talking about carrier. The average cell phone user will replace their phone every 3 years. I met lots of parents who got disappointed with their children’s behavior. But there also some advantages of using mobile phones which are , it’s portability, multifunctional, mobile phone as a communication tool , useful applications for students , can release stress .

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