l'après midi d'un faune mallarmé explication

17 Jan l'après midi d'un faune mallarmé explication

Wikipedia The Free Encyclopedia. Henri Cartier-Bresson – Die Geometrie des Augenblicks: Landschaften . August 2004 zu Céreste an den Alpes-de-Haute-Provence, war e franséische Fotograf.Hie gëllt als e Meeschter vun der "Schnappschoss"-Fotografie. Between 1937 and 1939, Cartier-Bresson worked as a photographer for the French Communists' evening paper, Ce Soir. That is the moment the photographer is creative," he said. Directed by Robert Delpire. [17] A few days later he also visited and photographed Sri Aurobindo, Mother and Sri Aurobindo Ashram, Pondicherry.[18]. Die Stiftung Henri Cartier-Bresson (Fondation Henri Cartier-Bresson) wurde im Frühjahr 2003 von Henri Cartier-Bresson, seiner Lebensgefährtin, der Magnum-Fotografin Martine Franck, und ihrer gemeinsamen Tochter Mélanie gegründet. [3] The Cartier-Bresson family lived in a bourgeois neighborhood in Paris, Rue de Lisbonne, near Place de l'Europe and Parc Monceau. Co-production: Fondation Henri Cartier-Bresson, NZZ Neue Zürcher Zeitung and Xanadu Film. Toward the end of the War, rumors had reached America that Cartier-Bresson had been killed. 1971 Les Rencontres d'Arles festival. Henri Cartier-Bresson (Chanteloup-en-Brie, Sena i Marne, 22 d'agost de 1908 - Montjustin, Alps de l'Alta Provença, 3 d'agost de 2004) va ser un cèlebre fotògraf francès que molts consideren el pare del fotoreportatge, la fotografia de carrer i la fotografia natural, una activitat que li va fer adoptar el format de 35 mm de bell antuvi. 1997: Série "100 photos du siècle": L'Araignée d'amour: broadcast by Arte. The picture has variable dimensions, according to the different prints, being one of them of 44,8 by 29,8 cm. 日本語 1 235 000+ 記事. Biografia Haurtzaroa. The anonymity that the small camera gave him in a crowd or during an intimate moment was essential in overcoming the formal and unnatural behavior of those who were aware of being photographed. Black and white. He said: "Photographier: c'est dans un même instant et en une fraction de seconde reconnaître un fait et l'organisation rigoureuse de formes perçues visuellement qui expriment et signifient ce fait" ("To me, photography is the simultaneous recognition, in a fraction of a second, of the significance of an event as well as of a precise organization of forms which give that event its proper expression.").[22]. Running time: 6 minutes and 15 seconds. Margot Shore, Magnum's Paris bureau chief, translated Cartier-Bresson's French preface into English. Movies screened at Théatre Antique. He traveled without bounds, documenting some of the great upheavals of the 20th century — the Spanish Civil War, the liberation of Paris in 1944, the fall of the Kuomintang in China to the communists, the assassination of Mahatma Gandhi, the May 1968 events in Paris, the Berlin Wall. [37] Technical aspects of photography were valid for him only where they allowed him to express what he saw: Constant new discoveries in chemistry and optics are widening considerably our field of action. Pariser Arrondissement).Seit 2018 befindet sie sich in im 3. Running time: 2 minutes and 33 seconds. Running time: 23 minutes and 20 seconds. 1937–1967) Auszeichnungen: Hasselblad Foundation Award Er war ein französischer Fotograf, Regisseur, Schauspieler, Zeichner, Maler und Mitbegründer der Foto-Agentur Magnum. Deutsch 2 495 000+ Artikel. Cartier-Bresson regarded Lhote as his teacher of "photography without a camera.". He twice tried and failed to escape from the prison camp, and was punished by solitary confinement. Die Stiftung Henri Cartier-Bresson (Fondation Henri Cartier-Bresson) wurde im Frühjahr 2003 von Henri Cartier-Bresson, seiner Lebensgefährtin, der Magnum-Fotografin Martine Franck, und ihrer gemeinsamen Tochter Mélanie gegründet.Sie hat ihren Sitz im Montparnasseviertel (2 Impasse Lebouis, im 14. „Fényképezni annyit jelent, mint visszatartani a lélegzetet, amikor az illékony valóság pillanatában minden képességünk egyesül. Español 1 637 000+ artículos. His parents supported him financially so Henri could pursue photography more freely than his contemporaries. He was raised in traditional French bourgeois fashion, and was required to address his parents with formal vous rather than tu. He explained, "I suddenly understood that a photograph could fix eternity in an instant."[13]. Cartier-Bresson traveled to the United States in 1935 with an invitation to exhibit his work at New York's Julien Levy Gallery. Carmel Snow of Harper's Bazaar gave him a fashion assignment, but he fared poorly since he had no idea how to direct or interact with the models. He denied that the term "art" applied to his photographs. In 1934 in Mexico, he shared an exhibition with Manuel Álvarez Bravo. After trying to learn music, Cartier-Bresson was introduced to oil painting by his uncle Louis, a gifted painter. September 2020 um 17:44 Uhr bearbeitet. He enhanced his anonymity by painting all shiny parts of the Leica with black paint. Colour. Cartier-Bresson also studied painting with society portraitist Jacques Émile Blanche. 1963: Midlands at Play and at Work. Dick Simon of Simon & Schuster came up with the English title The Decisive Moment. His photo credit read "Cartier", as he was hesitant to use his full family name. Samuti aitas arendada tänavafotograafiat stiilis, mis on mõjutanud hilisemate generatsioonide fotograafe. This gave him the idea of escaping and finding adventure on the Côte d'Ivoire in French colonial Africa. "[36], He never photographed with flash, a practice he saw as "impolite...like coming to a concert with a pistol in your hand."[35]. Die Geometrie des Augenblicks. Sie wurde am 27. Henri Cartier-Bresson starb 2004 im Alter von 95 Jahren und wurde auf dem Friedhof von Montjustin begraben. But, although he knew the concepts, he couldn't express them; dissatisfied with his experiments, he destroyed most of his early paintings. Magnum aimed to use photography in the service of humanity, and provided arresting, widely viewed images. If you can improve it, please do. It is up to us to apply them to our technique, to improve ourselves, but there is a whole group of fetishes which have developed on the subject of technique. That photograph inspired him to stop painting and to take up photography seriously. Titled Three Boys at Lake Tanganyika, this captured the freedom, grace and spontaneity of their movement and their joy at being alive. During conscription he read Conrad's Heart of Darkness. Cartier-Bresson retired from photography in the early 1970s, and by 1975 no longer took pictures other than an occasional private portrait; he said he kept his camera in a safe at his house and rarely took it out. WikiZero Özgür Ansiklopedi - Wikipedia Okumanın En Kolay Yolu . Although Cartier-Bresson took a portable camera (smaller than a Brownie Box) to Côte d'Ivoire, only seven photographs survived the tropics. Lhote's ambition was to integrate the Cubists' approach to reality with classical artistic forms; he wanted to link the French classical tradition of Nicolas Poussin and Jacques-Louis David to Modernism. Vandivert, who had also left Life, would work in America, and Capa would work anywhere that had an assignment. In any case, people think far too much about techniques and not enough about seeing. 1991: Contre l'oubli : Lettre à Mamadou Bâ, Mauritanie. In particular, he is credited as the inspiration for the National Film Board of Canada's early work in this genre with its 1958 Candid Eye series. Director: Heinz Bütler. "Oop! During the Spanish civil war, Cartier-Bresson co-directed an anti-fascist film with Herbert Kline, to promote the Republican medical services. August 2004 in Montjustin, Provence); Ehepartnerinnen: Martine Franck (verh. the decisive moment). Seit 2018 befindet sie sich in - Montjustin, 3. kolovoza 2004.) His film on returning war refugees (released in the United States in 1947) spurred a retrospective of his work at the Museum of Modern Art (MoMA) instead of the posthumous show that MoMA had been preparing. [33], Cartier-Bresson's photographs were also influential in the development of cinéma vérité film. He also photographed the last surviving Imperial eunuchs in Beijing, as the city was falling to the communists. Der Fotokünstlerin Frauke Eigen ist das gelungen: Sie hat die Cartier-Bresson-Schau im Kunstmuseum Wolfsburg nach rein visuellen Gesichtspunkten arrangiert. - francuski fotograf koji se smatra ocem novinske fotografije.Bio je majstor tzv. Both titles came from Tériade, the Greek-born French publisher whom Cartier-Bresson admired. Once you miss it, it is gone forever."[23]. And along the way he paused to document portraits of Camus, Picasso, Colette, Matisse, Pound and Giacometti. Magnum Photos ist eine unabhängige Fotoagentur und Fotografenagentur. Arrondissement (79, rue des Archives). The two men both had an interest in photography, and Harry presented Henri with his first camera. Photographs of Cartier-Bresson are scant. Cartier-Bresson's work is held in the following public collections: Films compiled from photographs by Cartier-Bresson. [5] He insisted that his prints be left uncropped so as to include a few millimeters of the unexposed negative around the image area, resulting in a black frame around the developed picture. Running time: 43 minutes and 32 seconds. Akkor a fej, a szem, a szív is ugyanazért működik. He held his first exhibition in France at the Pavillon de Marsan in the Louvre Museum in 1955. He met a number of the movement's leading protagonists, and was drawn to the Surrealist movement's technique of using the subconscious and the immediate to influence their work. Later in the US, USSR, Australia and Japan. "Henri Cartier-Bresson, point d'interrogation" by Sarah Moon, screened at Rencontres d'Arles festival in 1994, 1955 Retrospektive – Musée des Arts décoratifs, Paris. Predicou sempre coa idea de atrapar o instante decisivo, versión traducida das súas "images a la sauvette", que veñen a significar con máis precisión "imaxes a hurtadillas". 1969: Québec vu par Cartier-Bresson / Le Québec as seen by Cartier-Bresson. He never published the images but referred to them as 'my only superstition' as he considered it a 'baptism' of the lens.[38]. Color. When he accepted an honorary degree from Oxford University in 1975, he held a paper in front of his face to avoid being photographed. When World War II broke out in September 1939, Cartier-Bresson joined the French Army as a Corporal in the Film and Photo unit. [11] He survived by shooting game and selling it to local villagers. Nach einem Studium der Malerei bei André Lhote in Paris von 1927 bis 1928 widmete er sich ab 1930 der Fotografie.Seine erste große Reportagereise führte ihn 1931 in die Elfenbeinküste. The little human detail can become a leitmotiv. Denne biografi om en franskmand er kun påbegyndt. Henri Cartier-Bresson (Chanteloup-en-Brie, 22. kolovoza 1908. In 1937, Cartier-Bresson married a Javanese dancer, Ratna Mohini. Zesumme mam Robert Capa an anere Fotografen huet hien 1947 d'Agence Magnum opgeriicht.. De Cartier-Bresson huet als jonke Mann Konscht studéiert a … Cartier-Bresson said, "He used the informal 'tu', which usually meant you were about to get a good thrashing. La patrino de Henri estis Marthe Le Verdier (familinomo kiam ŝi estis fraŭlino), kaj la patro estis André Cartier-Bresson. In 1970 Cartier-Bresson married Magnum photographer Martine Franck [25] and in May 1972, the couple had a daughter, Mélanie. He became the first Western photographer to photograph "freely" in the post-war Soviet Union. Lincoln Kirstein and Beaumont Newhall wrote the book's text. In Shanghai, he often worked in the company of photojournalist Sam Tata, whom Cartier-Bresson had previously befriended in Bombay. Through Chim, Cartier-Bresson met a Hungarian photographer named Endré Friedmann, who later changed his name to Robert Capa.[14]. Black and white. Henri Cartier-Bresson has been listed as a level-4 vital article in People. His photographs were first exhibited at the Julien Levy Gallery in New York in 1933, and subsequently at the Ateneo Club in Madrid. Short film produced by FR3 Dijon, commentary by the artist. 1963–65: Five fifteen-minute films on Germany for the Süddeutscher Rundfunk, Munich. [5] In 1943, he dug up his beloved Leica camera, which he had buried in farmland near Vosges. His work has influenced many photographers. His father assumed that his son would take up the family business, but Henri was strong-willed and also feared this prospect. Running time: 10 minutes. Cartier-Bresson worked exclusively in black and white, other than a few unsuccessful attempts in color. Rodger, who had quit Life in London after covering World War II, would cover Africa and the Middle East. While in New York, he met photographer Paul Strand, who did camerawork for the Depression-era documentary The Plow That Broke the Plains. Black and white. Running time: 70 minutes. In 1952, Cartier-Bresson published his book Images à la sauvette, whose English-language edition was titled The Decisive Moment, although the French language title actually translates as "images on the sly" or "hastily taken images",[19][20][21] Images à la sauvette included a portfolio of 126 of his photos from the East and the West. Landschaften. Color. Running time: 3 minutes. "Flagrant Délit " (Production Delpire) screened at Théatre Antique. Running time: 22 minutes and 25 seconds. Cartier-Bresson also helped Renoir make a film for the Communist party on the 200 families, including his own, who ran France. No cause of death was announced. Julien Levy Gallery", "The Photographs of Henri Cartier Bresson", "Henri Cartier-Bresson Paris Exhibition - Louvre - Life 1955", "TOGETHER, PHOTOGRAPHY THE COLLECTIONS OF THE MAISON EUROPÉENNE DE LA PHOTOGRAPHIE", "APROPOS USSR (1954–1973)Henri Cartier-Bresson", "Past photographic exhibitions and displays", "An Instinct For Decisive Moments; A Show and a Foundation Honor Cartier-Bresson", "Henri Cartier-Bresson: The Modern Century", "xhibition Review: ICP Explores Photography in Four New Exhibitions", "Ascot Photograph - Henri Cartier-Bresson", "Henri Cartier-Bresson French, 1908–2004", "Henri Cartier-Bresson | Magnum Consortium", "Beaumont Newhall Henri Cartier-Bresson, New York", "Award Recipients - Henri Cartier-Bresson", http://www.rps.org/about/awards/history-and-recipients/honorary-fellowships, The Cultural Award of the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Photographie (DGPh), "Henri Cartier-Bresson Hasselblad Award Winner 1982", "Henri Cartier-Bresson Scrapbook, 2006 Nadar Award", Special Report: Henri Cartier-Bresson (1908–2004), Tête à Tête: Portraits by Henri Cartier-Bresson at the National Portrait Gallery, Washington DC, Henri Cartier-Bresson at the Metropolitan Museum of Art, NY, Henri Cartier-Bresson (1908 – 2004): When photography becomes art, John Berger pays tribute to his good friend, https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Henri_Cartier-Bresson&oldid=997601428, French military personnel of World War II, World War II prisoners of war held by Germany, Articles lacking reliable references from June 2015, All Wikipedia articles needing clarification, Wikipedia articles needing clarification from June 2015, Articles with disputed statements from June 2015, Articles needing additional references from May 2016, All articles needing additional references, Wikipedia articles with BIBSYS identifiers, Wikipedia articles with CANTIC identifiers, Wikipedia articles with PLWABN identifiers, Wikipedia articles with RKDartists identifiers, Wikipedia articles with SELIBR identifiers, Wikipedia articles with SNAC-ID identifiers, Wikipedia articles with SUDOC identifiers, Wikipedia articles with TePapa identifiers, Wikipedia articles with Trove identifiers, Wikipedia articles with WORLDCATID identifiers, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License, Grand Prix National de la Photographie in 1981. 日本語 1 246 000+ 記事. – Montjustin (Alpes-de-Haute-Provence), 2004. augusztus 2.) Alle zwei Jahre werden der mit 30.000 Euro dotierte Award HCB vergeben und die Werke des Gewinners in den Ausstellungsräumen der Stiftung präsentiert. At the end of the war he was asked by the American Office of War Information to make a documentary, Le Retour (The Return) about returning French prisoners and displaced persons. Documentary on the hospitals of Republican Spain: Running time: 49 minutes. Die Werke Cartier-Bressons werden dort gelagert und es gibt eine Bibliothek. Der französische Staatspräsident Jacques Chirac würdigte Cartier-Bresson „als genialen Fotografen und einen der begabtesten Künstler seiner Generation.“. With fast black and white film and sharp lenses, he was able to photograph events unnoticed. Black and white. "There is a creative fraction of a second when you are taking a picture. 1956: A Travers le Monde avec Henri Cartier-Bresson. Henri also sketched. Produced by Capa Télévision. 1975 Galerie Bischofberger, Zurich, Switzerland, 1980 Photographs, Art Institute of Chicago, 1980 Portraits – Galerie Eric Franck, Geneva, Switzerland, 1981 Musée d'Art Moderne de la Ville de Paris, France, 1982 Hommage à Henri Cartier-Bresson – Centre National de la Photographie, Palais de Tokyo, Paris, 1984–1985 Paris à vue d’œil – Musée Carnavalet, Paris, 1985 Henri Cartier-Bresson en Inde – Centre National de la Photographie, Palais de Tokyo, Paris, 1985 Museo de Arte Moderno de México, Mexico, 1986 Pavillon d'Arte contemporanea, Milan, Italy, 1987 Early Photographs – Museum of Modern Art, New York, 1988 Palais Lichtenstein, Vienna, Austria, 1988 Group exhibition: "Magnum en Chine" at, 1989 Chapelle de l'École des Beaux-Arts, Paris, 1989 Mannheimer Kunstverein, Mannheim, Germany (drawings and photography), 1991 Taipei Fine Arts Museum, Taiwan (drawings and photographs), 1992 Centro de Exposiciones, Saragossa and Logrono, Spain, 1992 Hommage à Henri Cartier-Bresson – International Center of Photography, New York, 1993 Photo Dessin – Dessin Photo, Arles, France. Diese Seite wurde zuletzt am 25. [8] They spent their time together taking and printing pictures at Crosby's home, Le Moulin du Soleil (The Sun Mill), near Paris in Ermenonville, France. In 1967, he was divorced from Ratna "Elie". 1969–70: Southern Exposures. Chim, who spoke a variety of European languages, would work in Europe. 1992: Henri Cartier-Bresson dessins et photos. Black and white. iskrene fotografije.Razvio je stilove "ulične fotografije" ili "životne reportaže" koji su uticali na generacije kasnijih fotografa. Cartier-Bresson's photography took him to many places, including China, Mexico, Canada, the United States, India, Japan, Portugal and the Soviet Union. He showcased this belief by having nearly all his photographs printed only at full-frame and completely free of any cropping or other darkroom manipulation. Sie hat ihren Sitz im Montparnasseviertel (2 Impasse Lebouis, im 14. But the painting lessons were cut short when uncle Louis was killed in World War I. Directed by Jean-Marie Drot and Henri Cartier-Bresson. Cartier-Bresson died in Céreste (Alpes-de-Haute-Provence, France)[27] on August 3, 2004, aged 95. Cartier-Bresson was one of the founding members of Magnum Photos in 1947. 2003: Henri Cartier-Bresson, Biographie d’un regard. In the 1920s, schools of photographic realism were popping up throughout Europe but each had a different view on the direction photography should take. August 1908 in Chanteloup-en-Brie, Département Seine-et-Marne, Frankreich; † 3. He married Magnum photographer Martine Franck, thirty years younger than himself, in 1970. He covered the last six months of the Kuomintang administration and the first six months of the Maoist People's Republic. This, presumably, helped allow him to work on the street undisturbed. Español 1 651 000+ artículos. [34], Cartier-Bresson almost always used a Leica 35 mm rangefinder camera fitted with a normal 50 mm lens, or occasionally a wide-angle lens for landscapes. [4] The proctor caught him reading a book by Rimbaud or Mallarmé, and reprimanded him, "Let's have no disorder in your studies!". A governess called "Miss Kitty" who came from across the Channel, instilled in him the love of - and competence in - the English language. He shared display space with fellow photographers Walker Evans and Manuel Álvarez Bravo. Français 2 262 000+ articles. On the Côte d'Ivoire, he contracted blackwater fever, which nearly killed him. 1938: L’Espagne Vivra. He did recall that he once confided his innermost secrets to a Paris taxi driver, certain that he would never meet the man again. 1937: Victoire de la vie. In the beginning, he did not photograph much in his native France. Running time: 32 minutes and 37 seconds. Henri Cartier-Bresson (født 22. august 1908 i Chanteloup-en-Brie, departement Seine-et-Marne, Frankrig; død 3. august 2004 i Montjustin, Provence) var en fransk fotograf. Henri Cartier-Bresson was born in Chanteloup-en-Brie, Seine-et-Marne, France, the oldest of five children. His third escape was successful and he hid on a farm in Touraine before getting false papers that allowed him to travel in France. The camera for us is a tool, not a pretty mechanical toy. Capa's brainchild, Magnum was a cooperative picture agency owned by its members. In 2003, he created the Henri Cartier-Bresson Foundation in Paris with his wife, the Belgian photographer Martine Franck and his daughter to preserve and share his legacy. Cartier-Bresson did not like to be photographed and treasured his privacy. 1944–45: Le Retour. He acquired the Leica camera with 50 mm lens in Marseilles that would accompany him for many years. The Surrealist movement, founded in 1924, was a catalyst for this paradigm shift[vague]. In photography, the smallest thing can be a great subject. In 1962, on behalf of Vogue, he went to Sardinia for about twenty days. Szymin later changed his name to David Seymour. His mother's family were cotton merchants and landowners from Normandy, where Henri spent part of his childhood. He admitted that perhaps he had said all he could through photography. Directed by Wolff Kœnig. Henri Cartier-Bresson, nado o 22 de agosto de 1908 en Chanteloup-en-Brie e finado o 3 de agosto de 2004 en Montjustin, foi un célebre fotógrafo francés considerado por moitos o pai do fotorreportaxe. Instead, he thought that they were merely his gut reactions to fleeting situations that he had happened upon. 1972 Les Rencontres d'Arles festival. Wikipedia The Free Encyclopedia. Ba ghrianghrafadóir Francach é Henri Cartier-Bresson (* 22 Lúnasa 1908; † 3 Lúnasa 2004).. Aithnítear Cartier-Bresson mar ghrianghrafadóir sa 20ú haois a bhí cumas ealaíne ar leith ann. Renoir made Cartier-Bresson act so he could understand how it felt to be on the other side of the camera. [9]:163[10] Crosby later said Cartier-Bresson "looked like a fledgling, shy and frail, and mild as whey." From hunting, he learned methods which he later used in photography. Henri CARTIER-BRESSON (22-a de aŭgusto, 1908 - 3-a de aŭgusto, 2004) estis franca fotisto. Color. Eksterne henvisninger. No longer bound by a 4×5 press camera or a medium format twin-lens reflex camera, miniature-format cameras gave Cartier-Bresson what he called "the velvet hand...the hawk's eye. Henri Cartier-Bresson was a French humanist photographer considered a master of candid photography, and an early user of 35 mm film. Dessureault, Pierre. Ottawa, 1988. coronation of King George VI and Queen Elizabeth, Learn how and when to remove this template message, "Henri Cartier-Bresson, Whose "Decisive Moment" Shaped Modern Photography", "Henri Cartier-Bresson, Artist Who Used Lens, Dies at 95", "Henri Cartier-Bresson | French photographer", "Henri Cartier-Bresson: Living and Looking", "Henri Cartier-Bresson biography - inspiringpeople.us", "Savitri Era Devotees: Hidden Cartier-Bresson images exhibited for first time", A Warm Kiss: Cartier-Bresson Speaks in “The Decisive Moment”, Timekeepers: How the World Became Obsessed With Time, "Revealed: the undeveloped art of Henri Cartier-Bresson", "Legendary Photojournalist Cartier-Bresson Is Buried in South of France", "Accueil - Fondation Henri Cartier-Bresson", "Martine Franck comes into focus at Fondation Henri Cartier-Bresson's new Paris space", "A New Home for the Fondation Henri Cartier-Bresson in Paris", "Cartier-Bresson: Mourning the Hawk's Eye", "Henri Cartier-Bresson – A Decisive Moment in Time", "Best of the Best: Henri Cartier-Bresson - Lomography", "1933. Wikipedia is a free online encyclopedia, created and edited by volunteers around the world and hosted by the Wikimedia Foundation. Cartier-Bresson attended École Fénelon, a Catholic school that prepared students for the Lycée Condorcet. The two had much in common culturally. In early 1947, Cartier-Bresson, with Robert Capa, David Seymour, William Vandivert and George Rodger founded Magnum Photos. Running time: 21 minutes. Although he took many famous portraits, his face was little known to the world at large. Black and white. With Chim and Capa, Cartier-Bresson was a leftist, but he did not join the French Communist party. Qualifizierte Bestellungen werden kostenlos geliefert. He pioneered the genre of street photography, and viewed photography as capturing a decisive moment.[1]. 1969–70: Impressions of California. He gave the book its French title, Images à la Sauvette, loosely translated as "images on the run" or "stolen images." Henri Cartier-Bresson (French: [kaʁtje bʁɛsɔ̃]; August 22, 1908 – August 3, 2004) was a French humanist photographer considered a master of candid photography, and an early user of 35 mm film. Henri Cartier-Bresson exhibits at the Ateneo de Madrid", "Henri Cartier-Bresson - USA. He pioneered the genre of street photography, and viewed photography as capturing a decisive moment. im 3. He pioneered the genre of street photography, and viewed photography as capturing a decisive moment. Embracing the open sexuality offered by Crosby and his wife Caresse, Cartier-Bresson fell into an intense sexual relationship with her that lasted until 1931. Documentary on prisoners of war and detainees. The show debuted in 1947 together with the publication of his first book, The Photographs of Henri Cartier-Bresson. In France, he worked for the underground, aiding other escapees and working secretly with other photographers to cover the Occupation and then the Liberation of France. [7] In 1930 he was conscripted into the French Army and stationed at Le Bourget near Paris, a time about which he later remarked: "And I had quite a hard time of it, too, because I was toting Joyce under my arm and a Lebel rifle on my shoulder. He was buried in the local cemetery nearby in Montjustin[28]and was survived by his wife, Martine Franck, and daughter, Mélanie.[29]. In den Ausstellungsräumen in den oberen Stockwerken werden wechselnde Ausstellungen gezeigt. Restless, he photographed in Berlin, Brussels, Warsaw, Prague, Budapest and Madrid. Stub . francia fotográfus. The historian Peter Galassi explains: The Surrealists approached photography in the same way that Aragon and Breton...approached the street: with a voracious appetite for the usual and unusual...The Surrealists recognized in plain photographic fact an essential quality that had been excluded from prior theories of photographic realism. Henri Cartier-Bresson, francoski fotograf, * 22. avgust 1908, Chanteloup-en-Brie, † 3. avgust 2004, Montjustin.. Cartier-Bresson velja za očeta sodobne dokumentarne fotografije in je eden od pionirjev tako imenovane ulične fotografije.Leta 1947 je skupaj z Robertom Capo, Davidom Seymourjem, Williamom Vandivertom ter Georgem Rodgerjem ustanovil fotografsko agencijo Magnum Photos. 1967: Flagrants délits. In 1934, Cartier-Bresson met a young Polish intellectual, a photographer named David Szymin who was called "Chim" because his name was difficult to pronounce. Director: Raphaël Byrne. Henri Cartier-Bresson wuchs als Sohn der wohlhabenden Familie eines Textilfabrikanten in der Normandie und in Paris auf. Auslöser zur Gründung der Agentur war der Wu… In 1927 Cartier-Bresson entered a private art school and the Lhote Academy, the Parisian studio of the Cubist painter and sculptor André Lhote. Русский 1 672 000+ статей. Black and white. While still feverish, he sent instructions to his grandfather for his own funeral, asking to be buried in Normandy, at the edge of the Eawy Forest while Debussy's String Quartet was played. "iskrene fotografije" (eng. Running time : 19 minutes. He started a tradition of testing new camera lenses by taking photographs of ducks in urban parks. … Pariser Arrondissement). Henri Cartier-Bresson (22. august 1908 – 3. august 2004) bio je francuski fotograf koji se smatra ocem modernog fotonovinarstva.Bio je jedan od pionira formata 35 mm i majstor tzv.

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