fidel castro parrain de justin trudeau

17 Jan fidel castro parrain de justin trudeau

She had not finished doing drugs or sewing her wild oats. He would be turning 60 when she was barely out of her 20’s. All of the articles ‘debunking’ story follow the same format. Within hours of their first official meeting, Margaret was photographed intimately touching and holding Fidel Castro with both arms. Their marriage surprised Canada because Pierre had been a lifelong playboy with no wife or children. Justin Trudeau could be Fidel Castro's son. Pierre Trudeau, who is 4–5 inches shorter than both Fidel Castro and Justin Trudeau. Todos sabemos de sus muchos enfrentamientos con EEUU: el bloqueo que hizo el país norteamericano a Cuba hizo que Fidel tuviera que ponerse las pilas a la hora de … She partied scantily clad at Studio 54. Subscribe Share. Oh ok. FBI Vault on Pelosi’s Politician Father Thomas D’ Alesandro From Wikipedia: Footnote 19 of the same Wikipedia article cites to a April 13, 1971 article from The Ottawa Journal. If you’ve been around people who are bipolar, you know it can be a wild ride. According to former aides, Castro had an incredible sexual appetite. He brought his wife. Wild woman Margaret Trudeau smuggled drugs in the prime minister’s luggage and made scantily-clad appearances at Studio 54. Three heads of the CIA have had jesuit educations, Casey, Brennan and Panetta. In February 2018, the Diaz-Balart rumor prompted the Canadian government to publicly deny the story. He provides no evidence the Trudeaus had never been there before. The Canadian government denied it, Cuba has never claimed it and Trudeau's parents never visited Cuba until several years after Justin Trudeau was born. Les médias ont publié plusieurs fois sur le sujet, le journal Métro et huffingtonpost : essaient de démontrer que ce n'est pas possible que Justin Trudeau soit le fils de Fidel Castro, à cause de la rencontre de Mme Trudeau et M. Castro pour la première fois en 1976. The birth certificate controversy is just another ongoing, manufactured misdirection. I was out fuelling a plane when Castro’s plane arrived. Justin himself is frequently filmed getting teary eyed and sobbing publicly. I guess you actually can’t believe everything that semi-professional agitators post on the internet. They altogether avoid addressing the easily researchable Caribbean trip in Spring 1971. He was 6'3, strong, and an athlete who sported the frame of an American football player. Justin Trudeau was born on Christmas day, 1971. Depuis la mort du Líder Maximo cubain, Fidel Castro, vendredi dernier, plusieurs internautes ont remarqué quelque chose de particulier à propos du premier ministre du Canada, Justin Trudeau: … Federal governments in Western civilizations do not deny urban legends. She was clearly attracted to men in positions of power, even some who were old and unattractive. She was hit so hard she suffered 10 fractures to her cheekbone, nose, sinuses & eye socket. But not all Castro brothers have the same father, so it’s not a family issue. Same can be said for Barack Obama and Frank Marshal Davis. When it comes to these New Underworld Order Crime Syndicate families and behaviors, incredulity doesn’t cut it with us. 100% of the ‘debunking’ articles avoid addressing the Caribbean trip altogether. T he Lugenpresse and usual suspects have spent a lot of effort debunking a theory that Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s is the bastard son of Communist revolutionary and former Cuban Prime Minister Fidel Castro (1926-2016), and not the son of former Canadian Prime Minister Joseph Philippe Pierre Yves Elliott Trudeau (1919-2000). The very leftist leader of the Church of Rome is a jesuit. After the ole man Trudeau was finished being prime minister of Canada he lived/stayed at his home in Montreal Qc. In 2000, Castro made a rare appearance out of Cuba to attend Pierre’s funeral in Canada. This lunatic is still on the loose. Or not working. Okay, but she was not in Canada. Did Margaret Trudeau, more likely with Pierre in tow, take an under-the-radar side trip for a very friendly meet up of hypersexuals with Fidel Castro during their April 1971 excursion in the Caribbean? US lawyer Mike Cernovich tweeted: "Fidel Castro was 6'3", Justin Trudeau 6'2", and Pierre Trudeau 5'8"." So what is all this talk about “debunking” the claim? What could he have been thinking? De nombreux internautes ont relayé l’image en … Patrick ‘Dino’ Ryan, Russ Winter Discuss the Implications of the Capitol Psyop and What’s Next, TradCatKnight Radio’s Eric Gajewski, Russ Winter Talk About the Murder of Father Kunz, and the Righteous Roles of Malachi Martin and John O’Connor, Russ Winter Rejoins ‘The Wisdom Circle’ of Dave Scorpio, Giuseppe Vafanculo for a Wide-Ranging Conversation, Patrick ‘Dino’ Ryan, Russ Winter Discuss Black Serial Killers and the Pall of Foreboding Over the Capital, Patrick ‘Dino’ Ryan, Russ Winter Discuss the Post-Truth World, Nashville and Adam Lanza, Russ Winter Rejoins ‘The Wisdom Circle’s’ Dave Scorpio, Giuseppe Vafanculo and Chris Weinert for a Timely Conversation. In its legal response, Amazon cites violent Parler content. Castro's death at the age of 90 was announced Friday. or dirty tricks. 14. Sperm banks barely existed back then. Nobody knows if Pierre objected. He’s most definitely partaken heavily in the cultural Marxism Kool-Aid. Sinclair did not recognize him, and she, in fact, thought little of their encounter. Kasprak omits discussions of the Trudeaus’ Spring 1971 vacation and then relies on its own omission to say Margaret Trudeau could not have absconded from Canada at the time. They are sick. The story is perfectly plausible. They own, plan, and promote two narratives for every story, both of which veer their adherents away from the truth. He was full of bravado, confidence, and masculinity and smoked cigars like a baller. Margaret converted to catholicism in order to marry Pierre. « Quand M. Trudeau est mort, notre président a décidé immédiatement de se rendre à Montréal », se souvient l'ambassadeur Garmendía. As pointed out in a 2014 Vice article, there is a local custom in Cuba in which any woman who doesn’t know who the father of her child is will call it “Fidelito,” or Little Fidel. Fils de l’ancien premier ministre Pierre-Elliott Trudeau, il occupe à son tour le poste de premier ministre du Canada depuis le 4 novembre 2015. No evidence Castro never travelled to see them in the Caribbean. They love there masters i guess. Allan Gotlieb, his ambassador to Washington, complained about one dinner he hosted for Mr. Trudeau because he had three girlfriends there…he carried on downstairs even though Margaret [while separated] was still in residence upstairs. ... Donald Trump est atteint de la COVID-19 et Justin Trudeau a un message pour lui. La présence de Fidel Castro aux funérailles de Pierre Elliott Trudeau en 2000 est une preuve du lien fort qui l'unissait à la famille Trudeau. His uncited claim that Justin was born “long before the couple travelled to Cuba” is just a recitation of the official dates Trudeau visited in his official capacity as prime minister. They all come from left-leaning websites who sympathize with Trudeau. They recite the Canadian governments’ official travel dates to Cuba and painfully avoid the Trudeaus’ extensive personal trip to the Caribbean trip in Spring 1971. I was too busy watching fuel guages and would take a glance over to his plane every now and then. Margaret was a 23-year-old wild child who liked doing it the old-fashioned way. But... all is well in Seattle. The two primary reasons given are the incredulity fallacy and the requirement that Justin Trudeau would have had to be conceived in the early spring of 1971 as Trudeau was born on December 25, 1971. Margaret Trudeau and Fidel Castro in Havana, Cuba, nine months before Justin was born. Articles by Russ Winter, Hidden History, International News, Politics, Winter Watch Articles Justin Trudeau could be Fidel Castro's son. If an infertile old man wanted to have a family, his wife had to do it the old-fashioned way. Maybe an open marriage in quite kinky ways? He beat the Americans in an armed invasion by personally commanding the battle in a tank., I saw precisely what I expected to see And the relationships last for decades. Sounds like Bill Clinton in Arkansas. Kasprak also suggests Margaret would have to sneak away from Pierre, but the premise that Pierre objected is not necessary to the story. Justin Trudeau ya tenía cuatro años cuando esta foto que fue tomada en la Habana. Another website gives a devastatingly compelling argument in favor of the story before sabotaging all its credibility by claiming Margaret Trudeau’s family were members of the Illuminati. The resemblance is uncanny, physically and politically. Why would Pierre Trudeau chose anyone else to be the biological father of his children? It’s well established that the couple traveled several times to Cuba. In the age of sloppy journalism, few authors are sloppier than those who claim they ‘debunked’ the story that Fidel Castro is Justin Trudeau’s biological father. According to a 2009 Globe and Mail article by Margaret Wente, actress Margo Kidder (Superman, Superman II), classical guitarist Liona Boyd, and actress Kim Cattrall all claimed to have slept with him at some time. ANTANANARIVO, Madagascar—Prime Minister Justin Trudeau is remembering former Cuban President Fidel Castro as "a larger than life leader." She had a clear history of sneaking off to party and all that came with the lifestyle. Justin Trudeau, the Canadian prime minister, has been mocked and criticised over his praise of the late Cuban leader Fidel Castro. Next, Margaret tore apart a quilt made by Canadian conceptual artist Joyce Wieland on the wall in the prime minister’s official residence in Ottawa because it celebrated “reason over passion.” Her husband’s personal motto was “reason before passion.”. He evidently wanted a family because that is exactly what he started. No evidence they had not met Castro before. DNA test to prove Justin Trudeau is the son of Fidel Castro karlo petigny started this petition to Ezra Levant Justin Trudeau is at the head of the Canadian government. Very attractive! I was with my girlfriend of that era back in the 80’s and we were walking along St Catherine street in Montreal. 2. They asked the media for complete privacy. She became embroiled in a scandal for having sex with Ted Kennedy (gross). Today we might remember Fidel Castro as an old man, but he was one of the most impressive people in the world back then, especially to fellow Marxists like the Trudeaus. On y voit Fidel Castro à côté de Margaret Trudeau, la mère de Justin Trudeau. But Trudeau was captivated by the carefree “flower child” nearly 30 years younger than him, and began to pursue her. Second, the Trudeaus adored Castro. Justin was born December 25, 1971, nine months after Pierre and Margaret’s honeymoon in British Columbia and long before the couple travelled to Cuba. Ever wonder why he cried so much when Castro died, why he praised a mass murderer so much? I have so much to say about the actions and reactions of the people that day. But they are not nearly so avoidant or look so desperate to kill a story. That was true in spades with her. He survived CIA coups and assassination attempts. Castro’s career would be absurdly improbable, were he not a made man from the families. It is the only island they did not disclose. He just sat there looking straight ahead and didn’t acknowledge anyone waiving at him. That is a non-starter for this author. Indeed, Pierre ended up having great difficulties with this rather absurd rocky marriage. “ Pierre Trudeau’s and Fidel Castro’s paths crossed for the first time in 1970 ,” the Globe reports, before explaining the Trudeaus … For example, in Vice’s article, “We Investigated Those Damning Rumors About Fidel Castro Being Justin Trudeau’s Real Dad” by Drew Brown, Brown does not investigate anything. He was a sexual deviant the ole man was. Dang. Both daddies have this ethnicity, so definitely the son. The suicide note left by Fidel Castro’s eldest son has rocked the Cuban nation this week, with the most astonishing revelation being the claim that Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau was his half-brother and the son of the late Fidel Castro. Similarly, AP News and affiliates write headlines such as “No, Fidel Castro is not Canada PM Trudeau’s father,” yet their articles simply recount the improbability of the Diaz-Balart suicide note. So goes the narrative. There is a roadway behind where all the planes are parked along the terminal gates and everyone except myself had lined up along this roadway and were watching the limousine as the car passed the people waiting and watching were waiving to Castro as he passed by them. Justin Trudeau et Fidel Castro se saluent lors des obsèques de Pierre Eliott Trudeau, en octobre 2000 Crédit : ROBERTO SCHMIDT / AFP Pierre Trudeau slept around too. 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For the most part or at least called Montreal home. The whole thing was surreal. Really? Indeed – the entire Obama experience pushed by the mainstream is a fiction. Miami Herald Drops a Bomb on Jeffrey Epstein and Exposes the Powerful People That Protect Him, Anthony Bourdain: Suicide or Suicided? The Lugenpresse and usual suspects have spent a lot of effort debunking a theory that Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s is the bastard son of Communist revolutionary and former Cuban Prime Minister Fidel Castro (1926-2016), and not the son of former Canadian Prime Minister Joseph Philippe Pierre Yves Elliott Trudeau (1919-2000). I was an aircraft refueller back then. In the darker corners of the internet dwells a theory as outlandish as it is compelling: That the real father of Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau is the late Cuban dictator Fidel Castro. Is there a connection or just interesting coincidences regarding the influence of jesuitry. Justin Trudeau est né en décembre 1971, à l’époque il a alors 4 ans. The Trudeaus introduced Castro to their children. The Sinclairs are a leading Illuminati family. They all recite the official 1976 travel dates of Pierre Trudeau as Prime Minister as though that proves they never travelled to or around Cuba on any prior date. Ole Pierre had his right hand on that exposed stockinged leg caressing it up and down and it would even reach under the dress and sty there for a bit and she would smile and squirm a little. It … Each ‘debunker’ makes a bold claim and then avoids the very story they claim to debunk. Suffice it to say, he endeavored to have sex with two new women every day and sent aides to fetch them. Two quick stories. It has been reported that he would sleep with at least two different women per day, and would send his bodyguards out to find the most beautiful ones for his pleasure. It could not be less compelling. As soon as the door of the plane was opened I noticed a lot of people working around the plane i was fuelling had stopped doing their work and were looking towards Castros plane. She smuggled drugs in the Prime Minister’s official government luggage. There is an interesting connection between Pierre and Fidel, they both had jesuitical educations and backgrounds. In the top photo, Fidel seems awfully interested in Baby Justin. Is Fidel Castro Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s father? My girlfriend and I were passing a restaurant and I noticed ole Pierre sitting at a table right there in the window of the restaurant with this quite young lady. ArianJacobsfc Published November 15, 2020 95 Views. NarcityQuebec. Interesting food for thought, Just looking at photos of Fidel and Justine, there can be no doubt who Justine’s real daddy is. Also Sinclair – another branch of canaanites, this time posing as christians and westerners. January 11, 2020 In 1976, Pierre eagerly became the first NATO leader to travel to Cuba. The Feb. 1 suicide of Castro's oldest son, Fidelito, spurred the most recent report on several sites, claiming that … When Pierre Trudeau on the left is compared with Fidel Castro, one can see what the fuss is all about. He looked like he could beat up any other word leader, much less any competitor for Margaret Trudeau’s attention. Per a Globe and Mail article: He often invited two girlfriends to the same event. From memory, Castro was baptized anomalously late, and is reported to have claimed Jewish ancestry: But then Justin Trudeau improbably grew up to look like this: So what is all this talk about “debunking” the claim? Not very impressive at all. Perhaps that was unfair at the time. We have well established the evidence of a strong taste for kink among the parties involved. They, their aides and friends all said so. Fidel Castro fue durante muchísimo tiempo el máximo mandatario de la isla de Cuba. This is the part about which ‘debunkers’ intentionally mislead readers. The news clip at left was published in the Ottawa Journal on April 13, 1971. How often he was there I don’t know and doesn’t matter for this story. Due to his age and lack of previous children, rumors began to spread that Pierre was infertile and that Castro and others were the biological fathers of his children. Justin Trudeau was born 8 1/2 months later. The article states that the Trudeaus were visiting an unidentified island in the Caribbean and wanted the press to give them privacy: To be clear: they disclosed all the other locations they visited but asked the press for privacy when they went to the “unidentified” island. If anything, the intellectual dishonesty of avoiding the very story makes it seem more convincing. Pick up a discarded paper cup the PM used and test it to see if PET’s DNA is half of Jr’s. On his visit, Margaret welcomed the leader at his hotel on behalf of the Trudeaus. Justin Trudeau, el Primer Ministro de Canadá, se consolida como el modelo del líder que necesita la humanidad. Justin Trudeau /ʒystɛ̃ tʁydo/1 (en anglais : /ˈd͡ʒʌstɪn ˈtruːdoʊ/2), né le 25 décembre 1971 à Ottawa, est un homme d’État canadien. Mrs. Trudeau spent a lot of time visiting Fidel. Mentally sick. Margaret Trudeau was a partier who unquestionably had sex with men while married to Pierre. If Ted Kennedy met her qualifications as a sexual partner, Castro was bigger, stronger, thinner, handsomer, and more powerful. It is a fact the Trudeaus were swingers. The ole man didn’t even look out at the people. At 24 Sussex, he carried on downstairs even though Margaret (from whom he was officially separated) was still in residence upstairs. Justin Trudeau is Fidel Castro’s Son - DNA testing - uncanny resemblance - Breaking Political News - YouTube. The list goes on. Además, recordaron que el padre de Justin, Pierre Elliott Trudeau, quien también ejerció como presidente del Gobierno canadiense, fue amigo de Castro. But now for the rest of the story. Fidel Castro, Justin Trudeau et la liberté d'expression ... à exercer cette liberté en raison des commentaires défavorables émis sur votre déclaration faite après le décès de Fidel Castro His sexual appetite was so legendary this article cannot efficiently capture it. The Council blames crime on COVID. But not with Fidel? That is strange for authors who claim to have the truth on their sides., Ignatus Loyola was allegedly a Marrano Jew. Russ Winter Pierre Trudeau biographer John English states the “evidence is overwhelming” that he slept with Barbara Streisand. Keep in mind: 1. I was working at Mirabel airport the day old Fidel Castro came up to Canada for the funeral of PET. From the photos is seems obvious she was attracted to him. Why would anyone in Canadian government be so sensitive to a mere internet rumor? The Trudeaus announced they had become besties with the dictator and sang his praises during the height of his human rights violations. According to Keith Richards of the Rolling Stones, Pierre broke up with her while she was having an affair with Ronnie Woods. During this short time there had been many people who stopped to watch the live sex show with the ex prime minister of Canada and some floosy young chick. She sneaked away from official functions to get high. Make of it what you will. An article written by Alex Kasprak for leftist ‘fact-checking’ website declares the story “false,” but tries to mislead readers about its supporting points. Having recently become Prime Minister, it suited him to get married and demonstrate stability. Not a very impressive argument, Brown. So, ladies and gentlemen, we’re mostly adults here. Before even leaving the tarmac, both Trudeaus were showing an unusual amount of familiarity with Fidel considering he was a national leader they just allegedly met. Sure looks that way. The Canadian government denied it, Cuba has never claimed it and Trudeau… This is what you need to know. Yes, superficially it seems far fetched that Margaret (and perhaps Pierre) arranged a tryst with Castro in the Caribbean during this “second honeymoon.” But what kind of arrangement would a 53-year-old man have with a bipolar flower child of 23? Senator Ted Kennedy and the Trudeaus’ marriage ultimately ended amid stories she was having an affair with Ronnie Wood of the Rolling Stones, according to Keith Richards’s autobiography “Life with Mick Jagger.”. 4. Not jews – gypsies. Much of The Catholic Church structure mirrors more Judaism than the Christian church as setup by Peter and Paul. They then went to Tobago, then to Saint Vincent and the Grenadines (including both Bequia and St. Vincent) with Pierre taking a side-trip to Trinidad while Margaret stayed in Tobago. They demonstrated a striking level of familiarity before even getting off the tarmac of their 1976 trip. Justin Trudeau gets a hug from Cuban President Fidel Castro prior to the funeral of Pierre Trudeau in Montreal, Oct. 3, 2000. According to John English’s “Just Watch Me: The Life of Pierre Elliot Trudeau 1968–2000” they were charmed by Castro and made several trips to embargo-era Cuba just to see him. It is a fact the Trudeaus were in the Caribbean in Spring 1971. As an 18-year-old girl vacationing in Tahiti with her family, Margaret Sinclair met Pierre Trudeau, who was then Canada’s Minister of Justice. A man viciously kicks a random 56 year old woman planting flowers in Seattle. The handwritten note left by Fidel Castro Diaz-Balart, 68, the eldest of Fidel Castro’s children, appears to confirm the longstanding rumor in Cuba that Fidel Castro fathered Justin Trudeau … Pierre was in a suit and she was in a nice dress with a slit on the side which happened to show to the outside and all who had stopped to look at the ex prime minister of Canada sitting in public in a restaurant with a visibly much younger woman and her gartered stockinged leg sticking out of the side slit of her dress for all the world that happened to pass by could see. Margaret had an affair with U.S. ‘PanamaPapers – The Shady World of Offshore Companies’ | Das Erste | NDR, The Real Joker: Warmonger Extraordinaire Alfred Harmsworth aka Lord Northcliffe, Winston Churchill Helped Start ‘Unnecessary War’, IICSA Child Sex Abuse Inquiry Public Hearings Under Way, BOOM! But I don’t think this reply box will allow me to write a book…? Justin attended a jesuit college. For example, in 2018, internet users spread a rumor that Fidel Castro’s recently deceased son Fidel Angel Castro Diaz-Balart (“Fidelito”) announced Justin Trudeau was his half-brother in his suicide note. In April 1971, the Trudeaus took a long “second honeymoon” all around the Caribbean. Enter your email address to subscribe to Winter Watch and receive notifications of new posts by email. And when Castro died, Justin Trudeau was the only leader of the Western World to give him an overwhelmingly positive eulogy without addressing his misdeeds. Just want to say the people of Canada,not all but a large majority are sick. But nobody seems to ask the question: how much of this "fedposting", Cointelpro. C’est la déclaration officielle de Justin Trudeau à la suite du décès de Fidel Castro qui aurait mis la puce à l’oreille de certains observateurs. En estos tiempos de graves fallas de liderazgo, cuando los políticos no tienen la pasta suficiente para liderar a sus pueblos sin recurrir al facilismo cortoplacista del populismo, Trudeau emerge como un político con gran sensibilidad social y sentido práctico de la economía. He altogether avoids the story he claims he disproved and then tries to do a mic drop. His son presiding over the destruction of Canada? Lol, Yupp.. Justine inherited the father’s look & the mother’s intelligence …. Prime Minister Justin Trudeau won't attend next weekend's funeral for former Cuban president Fidel Castro, who died last week at age 90. They got married when he was 53 and she was 23. This lasted for about two to three minutes. These people are freaks with a big F. The inquirists main case for the Castro-Trudeau theory is the astonishing resemblance. Justin Trudeau fils caché de Fidel Castro : la dernière folie des réseaux sociaux Tout est parti de son éloge funèbre au Lider Maximo : depuis quelques jours, des milliers d'internautes s'enflamment sur la ressemblance physique du Premier ministre canadien avec le père de la révolution cubaine. He turned Cuba into the Western world’s first Marxist country., Ariel Sharon was Che Guevara’s Cousin For Fidel Castro to have impregnated Margaret, they had to have rendezvoused in early spring of 1971. Este hombre fue admirado por muchos y odiado por otros tantos, ya que sus métodos no estaban bien vistos por parte de todo el mundo. Fidel Castro put them both to shame. 3. It is one of the main roads downtown Montreal where everyone walks and cruses and shops in the stores and eat in the restaurants that are all along the St Catherine strip. I really wasn’t interested in the ordeal of him coming to Canada but it was the people working that got my attention more. It was so funny watching these lame people. Justin Trudeau est né le 25 décembre 1971. She separated from her husband Pierre in 1977 and became a much-talked-about jet-setter. Secret and unauthorized DNA testing has proven that Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau is not the son of former Prime Minister Pierre Trudeau, but is instead the illegitimate son of Cuban dictator Fidel Castro. According to Wikipedia, they visited one island they declined to disclose. That being said, the exaggerations and painful avoidance of the story’s ‘debunkers’ are far more suspicious. He forcefully deposed a brutal dictator with a band of rag-tag rebels. Justin Trudeau is Fidel Castro’s Son. Kasprak does admit Justin Trudeau would have to have been conceived “between March 16 and April 22,” so why avoid addressing that the Trudeaus within spitting distance of Cuba during that time? Perhaps the strangest denial comes from the Canadian government itself. He was smart, charming, and funny. A simple DNA test would clear the issue up. First, Margaret Trudeau, Pierre Trudeau, and Fidel Castro were all notoriously sexually promiscuous. In her twenties we gathered. Castro made an unprecedented trip to Montreal in 2000 to attend Pierre’s funeral, although frail and ailing himself. Fidel Castro was a CIA Agent – Nothing has been debunked. Thanks for this–once I saw the photos years ago, I knew it was true. After all it could have been Pierre’s idea.

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