traduction anglais français linguee

17 Jan traduction anglais français linguee

Sommaire. The diversity in patient populations due to immigration in the UK has implications for adequate understanding of a patients’ culture by the clinician as well as patient–clinician cultural matching for enhanced service use and outcome. In this The extended SpEM framework: supporting collaboration and information sharing. Therefore, we propose a scalable and efficient data structure that allows StarQL implementations to handle large sets of strings and utilize large computing infrastructures. This paper presents on-going research (Dube and Wu 2001; Wu and Dube 2001; Dube 2004; Investigating concepts and methods for generating synthetic health records that are realistic but not real without access to real data and using publicly available health data, information and know. This study addresses an empirical analysis of information- and knowledge-sharing among collaborative decision makers. Couleur : gris cassiopée Facture d'entretien : (prévoir changement bougie de préchauffage avant hiver) factures à l'appui (révisionés périodiques, changement pompe à eau et courroie de distribution en 2015 à 65.096 km. Furthermore, we elaborate on the implementation and patient involvement. While certain CGSs, e.g., SpEM [20], rely on production rules [21], alternative approaches exist that may be more appropriate on occasion. This research is unique in that it introduces an active ECA mechanism into test protocol modelling and specification, and emphasises the importance of the efficient and effective management of computerised rest request protocols. Contextual translation of "bordereaux de virement" into English. This language is based on an XML-based Veuillez vous authentifier pour accéder à ce service, Assiettes forfaitaires et franchises de cotisations, Administrations et collectivités territoriales, Activités relevant de l’économie collaborative, Artistes-auteurs, diffuseurs, commerces d’art, Contribution sociale de solidarité des sociétés - C3S, Revenus de remplacement : régime social et modalités déclaratives, Déclaration de paiement en ligne de vos cotisations et contributions sociales, Administration et collectivité territoriale. String analytic queries are too intricate to be solved on one machine. This paper first presents PLAN-a generic modelling framework and specification language with an Event-Condition-Action (ECA) mechanism for clinical test request protocols. Female Circumcision: An Emerging Concern in College Healthcare, Shared decision-making in the care of individuals with diabetes, Wearable Healthcare Technology - The Regulatory Perspective, Conference: Computer-Based Medical Systems, 2005. DÉCAISSEMENT, subst. Features include explicit representation of guideline structure, a patient data model, computable eligibility criteria and decision logic, computable action specifications, vocabulary , and supplemental materials. Further research, however, is needed to better understand when and how to promote the empathic conversations, patient, clinician and service and policy contexts necessary to routinely implement shared decision-making in different at scale healthcare systems. La Caisse Générale de Sécurité Sociale de Guadeloupe informe ses usagers qu’un nouvel accueil est en cours d’implantation en région pointoise, afin d’améliorer la réception du public. KeywordsCollaboration mode–e-Work–Information sharing–Knowledge sharing–ERP design–e-Learning. Translations in context of "décaissement en liquide" in French-English from Reverso Context: un processeur en communication avec ce terminal de service, gère un décaissement en liquide par rapport à une valeur en liquide du justificatif The realistic synthetic health record for any population is valuable for some types of secondary uses. In this paper we propose a conceptual model and an ontology for a meta-description of the formal care plan. Créée dans le but de résorber l'endettement de la Sécurité sociale, cette contribution est fixée à un taux identique quel que soit le revenu concerné (revenu d'activité, de remplacement, du patrimoine, de placement, …). Such disbursements may be in the form of cheques, warrants or through the electronic transfer of funds. CGSS : Caisse générale de Sécurité sociale. Caisse générale de Sécurité sociale. Ce délai peut s’étirer de 1 jour à 4 jours. All rights reserved. Energie : diesel. This report is an executive summary of the work done in developing a healthcare data hub based on database technologies, such as ECA rules, active databases, XML and XQuery. Avec le numéro de compte de cet organisme, cela ne devrait pas être trop compliqué, enfin j'espère. Wearable gadgets have risen up as revolution in the medical field for patient care. The approach adopted here uses the combined application of the event-condition-action (ECA) rule paradigm, a temporal mechanism, advanced DBMS features and XML technologies. Elles sont accordées aux entreprises, afin de les accompagner dans leur investissement pour l’amélioration des conditions de travail des salariés. Virement bancaire CGSS 2019. Comment déclarer mon chiffre d'affaires et payer mes cotisations Furthermore, problems of unexpected interactions among the individual rules become more likely with the growing of the rule base (Umeshwar et al. We introduce the model and the language using a clinical case study, and evaluates the storage efficiency of the model and the performance of the query. Empathic conversations between patients and clinicians to diagnose the patient situation that necessitates action and the range of evidence-based actions that best address the situation, so-called shared decision-making, are essential to the personalized care of people with diabetes. décaissement - vybranie - presadenie (rastliny) - vybranie z debny - vyloženie z debny - výplata z pokladnice . This paper addresses this issue from a unified approach based on an active rule mechanism. emotional, and cultural issues. Calendrier de paiement retraite CARSAT-CNAV pour 2021. Few research efforts focus on managing these rules as one object that has This last feature allows managing exceptions, i.e. The implementation of PLAN is also briefly discussed. Contemporary healthcare delivery is based on state-of-the-art scientific best practices captured in systematically developed formal care plans which include guidelines, clinical protocols, integrated care pathways, etc. Further, additional requirements emerge as a result of such analysis. Moi aussi, j'ai reçu un virement de DR PAYS DE LOIRE le 13 février 2009, je vais essayé de retrouver l'origine de ce virement par l'accès à mon compte sur internet. Sortir des fonds d'une caisse afin d'effectuer un paiement : 1. Caisse nationale de retraite des agents des collectivités locales. Accordingly, the corresponding platforms using the above mentioned languages are: GLEE [13], SAGE [14], DeGeL [15], NewGuide [16] and SpEM, ... Several applications of information systems utilize monitoring processes to support their activities. A framework for guideline management is presented with enhancements for supporting collaboration and information sharing. Based on the model for the ambulatory medication prescription, which is currently in a national roll-out phase, we constructed a model that takes into account the particularities of the physiotherapy domain as well as all legal regulations. Retirer d'une caisse son contenu. Accueil; Actualités; Assurés. Ag-Copro – 31 rue d'arras, 62500 Tatinghem – Mit 4.2 bewertet, basierend auf 4 Bewertungen „Toujours disponible et serviable!! Si vous souhaitez connaître le calendrier 2021 des paiements des pensions de retraite des principaux organismes, consultez la suite de cet article. research, each decision maker represents one of three distributed centers in ERP systems: Sales, Production, and Procurement profit and due date performance have been improved by information- and knowledge-sharing. MICSS-LAN, an ERP simulation tool, was applied for the experiments, generating explicit numerical results that enable the The analytics engine should support data discovery to assist in auditing, analyzing and improving already enacted rule-based information. An Architecture for Electronic Prescribing in Physiotherapy in Belgium, Analysis of effectiveness and benefits of collaboration modes with information- and knowledge-sharing, Requirements of a Sharable Guideline Representation for Computer Applications, Supporting Pervasive Collaboration in Healthcare—An Activity-Driven Computing Infrastructure, The NewGuide Project: Guidelines, Information Sharing and Learning from Exceptions. Offre de service. This paper presents StarQL, a generic and declarative query language for strings. DÉCAISSER, verbe trans. ledge. This limits users to certain operations supported by existing procedural applications and requires manual query planning with limited tuning opportunities. An icon used to represent a menu that can be toggled by interacting with this icon. Contribution au remboursement de la dette sociale. This paper provides an overview of the motivation, structure and use of PROforma in developing computerised clinical guidelines. The proposed model provides a good starting point for a fully structured record system in physiotherapy and includes international standards for diagnosis coding. Il paye les retraites de la fonction publique territoriale et hospitalière et des retraités s’apparentant étroitement aux fonctionnaires de l’État. This paper presents our manipulation and query language that is developed to facilitate the maintenance A télécharger en cliquant sur l'image Voir toutes les actualités ∧ Plan du site. Dans deux bureaux, le représentant n'avait pas certifié les bordereaux de décaissement. Most of research efforts emphasize 18th IEEE Symposium on. Un décaissement est une sortie de fonds, sous forme de chèques, de mandats ou de virements électroniques de fonds. The PROforma method comprises a graphical notation for designing protocols and a formal knowledge representation language to enable clinical concepts to be interpreted by a computer. Rules are utilized to assist in the monitoring process that is required in activities, such as disease management and customer Event-condition-action (ECA) rules are a natural candidate for supporting reactive functionality on XML or RDF repositories. mandat de virement n. transfer order ~ Additional comments: To ensure the quality of comments, you need to be connected. User interfaces that are optimal for novices may be less productive for advanced users, who might prefer rapid typing to manipulating graphical icons [19], so usable interfaces could allow switching between text and graphical mode, with round-trip engineering. * Dans l'article "DÉCAISSER,, verbe trans." L’utilisation d’un système d’allumage basé sur un principe optique, magnétique ou à effet Hall ne peut compenser l’usure de nombreuses pièces mécaniques du système classique du distributeur, en particulier la correction de l’avance centrifuge. Data were analysed using Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis. Elle n'a entraîné aucun décaissement (excepté les dépenses liées à l'émission des nouvelles actions) et n'a contraint Hynix à aucun versement futur en espèces, comme cela aurait été le cas avec des titres de créance. Les CGSS assurent, en Outre-mer, l'ensemble des rôles de Sécurité sociale, dévolus en métropole aux Urssaf, Carsat et Cpam. We identify features of guideline applications, consider the types of information needed by an application in order to provide each feature, and discuss what is required of a guideline representation in order to express this information. Or Sign up/login to Reverso account Kollaboratives Wörterbuch Französisch-Englisch. The main direction for future research is to develop an analytics engine on top of our healthcare data hub. We cite previous work under each category and then provide sub-requirements under each category, and provide example of similar work in software-engineering efforts that have addressed a similar problem in a non-biomedical context. e-Documentation; Pour ma santé; Pour ma retraite; Les jeunes & la sécu; Le monde agricole & la sécu; Services en ligne; Entreprises. La modification de la forme de l’entreprise : fusion et scission d’entreprises, Les formalités liées à l'embauche : la DPAE, Exonérations ou aides à caractère géographique, Exonérations ou aides liées à la personne, Exonérations ou aides liées au secteur d’activité, La cessation définitive d’activité de l’entreprise, Modulation de la cotisation d’allocations familiales, Je souhaite étendre ou diversifier mon activité, Les formalités en cas de cessation d’activité, Je réactive mon entreprise après une période d'inactivité, Eléments de rémunération, primes et gratifications, Les indemnités de rupture du contrat de travail ou des fonctions de mandataire, Les prestations liées aux activités sociales et culturelles, Les sommes versées par les régimes de Sécurité sociale de base, Prestations complémentaires de prévoyance, Cotisation maladie sur les avantages de retraite, Contributions CSG-CRDS et Casa sur les avantages de retraite, Modalité de versement de la CSG et de la CRDS, Contribution due sur les retraites « chapeau », Seuils d’assujettissement à la CSG-CRDS et à la Casa au 1er janvier 2018, Nouveauté : déclaration des revenus de remplacement 2019, Pensions de retraite servies par les régimes de, Pensions de retraite servies par les régimes spéciaux : la CSG et la CRDS sont versées à l’, Avantages de retraite servis par les régimes de base et complémentaires du régime des non-salariés : le versement est fait à l’Acoss avant le 1. With the continuing evolution in technology and technological applications on medical field, innovative products and services have been emerging every day. Site internet de la Caisse Générale de Sécurité Sociale de la Guadeloupe. In health-care, several approaches, such as Arden Syntax [12], HyperCare [8], PLAN [14. − Spéc., BANQUE. virement à ma faveur - prevod z účtu v môj prospech . However, these editors are not available freely, as open-source or otherwise, making their usability and robustness difficult to evaluate. Les CGSS assurent, en Outre-mer, l'ensemble des rôles de Sécurité sociale, dévolus en métropole aux Urssaf, Carsat et Cpam. Medical and psychosexual implications for the patient are considered, and college health clinicians are encouraged to be prepared to see patients who have been subjected to the procedure and help these young women deal with attendant medical, People with diabetes often live with other chronic conditions and lead complicated lives. Clinical guidelines are useful tools to standardize and improve health care. mandat de virement postal. This analysis leads to the conclusion that the mobile, interrupted, and ad hoc collaborative nature of clin-ical work is poorly supported by traditional client-server ar-chitectures and we propose an activity-driven computing in-frastructure as an alternative. cautionnement - kaucia - záruka - ručenie - záručný list . The main new features concern the choice of a commercial product as the middle layer with the electronic patient record, the consequent possibility of gathering information from different legacy systems, and the extension of this “virtual medical record” to the storage of process data. The main contribution of CIM framework and approach lays in managing the complex information by introducing multiple management planes under a unified framework. traducción mandats de virement del frances al ingles, diccionario Frances - Ingles, ver también , ejemplos, conjugación Results showed that the clergy and health professionals themselves use religious/cultural cure and formal healthcare methods, and believed Nigerian immigrants as predominantly using religious/cultural methods which can affect healthcare utilisation, although differences between the professionals were reported. TheSemanticWebisbasedonXMLandRDFasitsfunda- mental standards for exchanging and storing information on the World Wide Web. With the advent of large string datasets in several scientific and business applications, there is a growing need to perform ad-hoc analysis on strings. bordereau de décaissement n. disbursement voucher [Bus.] When analyzing requirements from the implementation viewpoint, knowledge of successes and failures in related software-engineering efforts can guide implementers in the choice of effective design and development strategies. The SpEM framework for supporting clinical guideline management. One female student's experience at her college health service is described. Avantages de retraite versés par l’ancien employeur : la CSG et la CRDS sont versées à l’Urssaf ou la CGSS dont relève l’employeur et les dates d’exigibilité sont celles applicables à l’employeur au titre des rémunérations versées à ses salariés. With this article, an attempt has been made to unlock the potential of wearable healthcare technology and the regulatory aspects imparted on them currently. (paiement par virement) Essai sur demande. La CSG est prélevée sur les revenus d'activité et de remplacement des personnes domiciliées fiscalement en France et à la charge, à quelque titre que ce soit, d'un régime obligatoire français d'assurance maladie. Access scientific knowledge from anywhere. The second approach, choice, focuses on cultivating the individual's ability to give voice to which choice is best for them. Or Sign up/login to Reverso account Kollaboratives Wörterbuch Französisch-Englisch. PROforma is a method for specifying clinical guidelines and protocols in a form which can be executed by a computer to support the management of medical procedures and clinical decision making. The first approach focuses on transferring information to patients so that they can make decisions. The experimental results indicate that total Human translations with examples: giro account, winding basin, clearing bank, transfer order. Seules les prestations de la branche Famille sont assurées par les Caf. : Ces deux dernières années, elle a créé 6744 pièces de journal et bordereaux de décaissement, soit une moyenne annuelle de 3372 documents. Tasks, such as those in patient care practice, require constant monitoring of a dynamic context and environment based on best practices in the form of predefined experience-based information or knowledge. utilization of ERP structures can be achieved by a certain level of information- and knowledge-sharing. La Sécurité sociale est un service public, qui assure les travailleurs salariés, les travailleurs indépendants, les travailleurs non salariés et des salariés agricoles contre l'ensemble des risques sociaux.

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