les colonies d'uruk

17 Jan les colonies d'uruk

Thereafter, the buildings were vastly larger than earlier, some had novel designs and new construction techniques were used for the structure and the decoration. The sources relating to the Uruk period derive from a group of sites distributed over an immense area, covering all of Mesopotamia and the neighbouring regions up to central Iran and southeastern Anatolia. LEufrates (en àrab الفرات, al-Furāt; en turc i en kurd Fırat; en persa فرات, Furât; en arameu, en l'Antic Testament, Prath; en assiri Pu-rat-tu; en persa antic Ufratu; en siríac, Frot o, Prât; en grec antic Ευφράτης, Eufrates) és un riu que en gran part discorre per l'Iraq. The material remains of the period are very limited, but beveled rim bowls, an accounting bulla, and a numerical tablet characteristic of the Late Uruk period have been found. The 'secondary products revolution' of A. Sherratt "Plough and pastoralism: aspects of the secondary products revolution," in I. Hodder, G. Isaac and N. Hammond (ed.). They also began to waterproof the bricks with bitumen and to use gypsum as mortar. This theory thus leads the problem of the origin of cities back to the problem of origin of the state and of inequality. Although the chronology of the Uruk period is full of uncertainties, it is generally agreed to have a rough span of a thousand years covering the period from 4000 to 3000 BC and to be divided into several phases: an initial urbanisation and elaboration of Urukian cultural traits marks the transition from the end of the Ubaid period (Old Uruk), then a period of expansion (Middle Uruk), with a peak during which the characteristic traits of the 'Uruk civilization' are definitively established (Late Uruk), and then a retreat of Urukian influence and increase in cultural diversity in the Near East along with a decline of the 'centre'. [123][124][125], The development of writing, whether or not it derived from accounting practices, represented a new management tool which made it possible to note information more precisely and for a longer-term. La primera gran arquitectura monumental, la primera plani˜cació territorial, la primera escriptura de la història, i potser ˜ns i tot abans que a Egipte, la primera comptabilitat, es van originar a Uruk, cap al 3500 aC. The invention of such a system required reflection on the image and the different senses that a sign could bear, notably for representing the abstract.[137]. Art also reflected a society more heavily shaped by political power, and religious cults grew more impressive and spectacular than previously. Louvre Museum. They reached a level where they can properly be called cities. (acadi: Bit RES) va ser introduït al nord-est al districte These different inventions allowed the progressive development of a new agricultural landscape, characteristic of ancient Lower Mesopotamia. )2001 (, M. Paszke, "Date palm and date palm inflorescences in the Late Uruk period (c. 3300 BC): botany and archaic script", in, harv error: no target: CITEREFJoannès_(dir. They were mainly used for holding various kinds of agricultural production (barley, beer, dates, milk, etc.) Thus, some ideograms appeared. Writing was then able to record grammatical elements of the language and thus to record complete phrases, a possibility which was not properly exploited until some centuries later. The developments that society experienced in the Uruk period had an impact in the mental and symbolic realm which manifested as a number of different phenomena. These explanations are largely advanced to explain the sites of the Syro-Anatolian world, rather than as global theories. Other sites in Susiana also have archaeological levels belonging to this period, like Jaffarabad and Chogha Mish.[35]. This has been reinforced by the political situation in the modern Near East and the impossibility of excavating in Mesopotamia. This ruler may be the person designated in Uruk III tablets by the title of en. Objet Ancien Kabyle Racines Bougie Amour Antiquités Peuple Beautiful Décoration Intérieure. In order to discern the key developments which make this period a crucial step in the history of the ancient Near East, research focusses mainly on the centre, Lower Mesopotamia, and on sites in neighbouring regions which are clearly integrated into the civilization which originated there (especially the 'colonies' of the middle Euphrates). Anu/ White Temple ziggurat at Uruk. Around 20 residences of various sorts have been excavated. ... Diasporas, Colonies and Interaction in Uruk Mesopotamia. The king-priest and his acolyte feeding the sacred herd. Thus the old rural house was adapted to the realities of urban society. ... Mientres l'apoxéu d'Uruk, ... gobernábense como colonies. [62], In effect, the impact of Uruk is generally distinguished in specific sites and regions, which has led to the development of multiple typologies of material considered to be characteristic of the Uruk culture (especially the pottery and the beveled rim bowls). Habuba Kabira consisted of 22 hectares, surrounded by a wall and organised around some important buildings, major streets and narrow alleys, and a group of residences of similar shape organised around a courtyard. This is demonstrated by the structures created in the Eanna district of Uruk during the Late Uruk period, which show an explosion of architectural innovations in the course of a series of constructions which were unprecedented in their scale and methods. [113] This phenomenon was characterised by Gordon Childe at the beginning of the 1950s as an 'urban revolution', linked to the 'Neolithic revolution' and inseparable from the appearance of the first states. However, this region is not well-known archaeologically, since only the site of Uruk itself has provided traces of monumental architecture and administrative documents which justify seeing this region as the most dynamic and influential. The most remarkable find are over two hundred "eye figurines" which give the building its name. First of all, it is in this period that the wild onager was finally domesticated as the donkey. The human being is at the centre of this art. The most remarkable constructions are located in the sector called the Eanna (after the temple which was located there in subsequent periods and possibly already at this stage). Stève, F. Vallat, H. Gasche, C. Jullien et F. Jullien, "Suse,", P. Amiet, "Glyptique susienne archaïque,", G. Johnson and H. Wright, "Regional Perspectives on Southwest Iranian State development,", H. Weiss and T. Cuyler Young Jr., "Merchants of Susa: Godin V and plateau-lowland relations in the late Fourth Millennium B.C.,", Y. Majidzadeh, "Sialk III and the Pottery Sequence at Tepe Ghabristan: The Coherence of the Cultures of the Central Iranian Plateau,", I. L. Finkel, "Inscriptions from Tell Brak 1984,", D. Collon and J. Reade, "Archaic Nineveh,", Summary of the campaign and interpretation in, B. Helwing, "Cultural interaction at Hassek Höyük, Turkey, New evidence from pottery analysis,", Debate begun in G. Algaze, "The Uruk Expansion: Cross Cultural Exchange in Early Mesopotamian Civilization,", G. Algaze, "Initial Social Complexity in Southwestern Asia: The Mesopotamian Advantage,", J. N. Postgate, "Learning the Lessons of the Future: Trade in Prehistory through a Historian's Lens,". Painted pottery is less common than in previous periods, with no decoration or just incisions or pellets. The establishment of this 'wool cycle' alongside the 'barley cycle' (the terms used by Mario Liverani) had the same results for the processing and its redistribution, giving the ancient Mesopotamian economy its two key industries and went along with the economic development of large systems. Terracotta, ca. [60] Some other theories propose a form of agrarian colonisation resulting from a shortage of land in Lower Mesopotamia or a migration of refugees after the Uruk region suffered ecological or political upheavals. [114] The causes of the appearance of cities have been discussed a great deal. Non-Uruk developments and Uruk-linked features on the Butterlin, P. 2003. Scholarship is therefore interested in this period as a crucial step in the evolution of society—a long and cumulative process whose roots could be seen at the beginning of the Neolithic more than 6000 years earlier and which had picked up steam in the preceding Ubayd period in Mesopotamia. For Algaze, the motivation of this activity is considered to be a form of economic imperialism: the elites of southern Mesopotamia wanted to obtain the numerous raw materials which were not available in the Tigris and Euphrates floodplains, and founded their colonies on nodal point which controlled a vast commercial network (although it remains impossible to determine what exactly was exchanged), settling them with refugees as in some models of Greek colonisation. The relations established between Lower Mesopotamia and the neighbouring regions were thus of an asymmetric kind. A clear settlement hierarchy has been identified, dominated by a number of agglomerations which grew more and more important over the 4th millennium BC, of which Uruk seems to have been the most important by far, making this the most ancient known case of urban macrocephaly, since its hinterland seems to have reinforced Uruk itself to the detriment of its neighbours (notably the region to the north, around Adab and Nippur) in the final part of the period. This process was not a linear progression but was marked by phases of growth and decline (like the 'collapse' of archaeological cultures). 3200 BCE. A scribal class [fr] developed in the Late Uruk period and contributed to the development of a bureaucracy, but only in the context of the large institutions. ——— 2002. quan l'Imperi neoassiri la va annexar com una capital de província. Around 3800 BC, LC 3 begins, which corresponds to the "Middle Uruk" phase and continues until around 3400 BC, when it is succeeded by LC 4. [63] The case of Susiana and the Iranian plateau, which is generally studied by different scholars from those who work on Syrian and Anatolian sites, has led to some attempted explanations based on local developments, notably the development of the proto-Elamite culture, which is sometimes seen as a product of the expansion and sometimes as an adversary. After the 'Limestone Temple' of level V, a programme of construction hitherto unparalleled was begun in level IV. [77] The human, material, and technical resources were now available for agriculture based on paid labour, although family-based farming remained the base unit. [16] In Lower Mesopotamia, the researchers identify this as the Jemdet Nasr period, which sees a shift to more concentrated habitation, undoubtedly accompanied by a reorganisation of power;[13][17] in southwestern Iran, it is the Proto-Elamite period; Niniveh V in Upper Mesopotamia (which follows the Gawra culture); the "Scarlet Ware" culture in Diyala. From Telloh, ancient city of Girsu. The Uruk period is traditionally divided into many phases. Subsequently, theories and knowledge have developed to the point of general models, drawing on parallels from other places and periods, which has posed some problems in terms of getting the models and parallels to fit the facts revealed by excavations.[52]. In the current state of knowledge it remains impossible to determine whether the site of Uruk was actually unique in this region or if it is simply an accident of excavation that makes it seem more important than the others. [136] From the beginning of writing, scribes wrote lexical lists on the edges of administrative documents. They were used to seal clay envelopes and tablets, and to authenticate objects and goods, because they functioned like a signature for the person who applied the seal or for the institution which they represented. M. Müller-Karpe, "Aspects of early metallurgy in Mesopotamia", S. Pollock, M. Pope and C. Coursey, "Household Production at the Uruk Mound, Abu Salabikh, Iraq,". Casals, Extraescolars, Colònies i estades, Menjadors ecològics, Descobertes i sortides, Cases de colònies i convivències, albergs, granges escola, aules rurals, escoles de mar i escoles de cel d’arreu de Catalunya, amb servei de monitors i activitats de lleure en entorns naturals i rurals. El 1810 aC, va This is due primarily to the fact that the original stratigraphy of the central quarter of Uruk is ancient and very unclear and the excavations of it were conducted in the 1930s, before many modern dating techniques existed. Level V of this site belongs to the Uruk period. recuperar. As at Habuba Kabira, there is an urban centre made up of residences of various kinds and a central monumental complex of two 'temples'. Hacinebi and the Uruk Expansion: Additional Comments [article] ... and d) Uruk material is present from the very beginning of phase Bl. [117][118] This model of a house with a central space remained very widespread in the cities of Mesopotamia in the following periods, although it must be kept in mind that the floor plans of residences were very diverse and depended on the development of urbanism in different sites. allunyades com les del sud de Turquia: la ciutat d’Uruk. Les decouvertes de tres nombreux fragments de ceramique permettent de suivre une stratigraphie precise. Va arribar fins al punt d’establir noves colonies fora dels seus territoris immediats. [80] This final aspect was especially connected with the cattle, which became essential for work in the fields with the appearance of the ard, and the donkey which assumed a major role in the transportation of goods. Scholars have proposed that this figure should be called the 'Priest-King'. [10] The most ancient levels of these soundages (XIX–XIII) belong to the end of the Ubaid period (Ubaid V, 4200–3900 or 3700 BC); pottery characteristic of the Uruk period begins to appear in levels XIV/XIII. The sacred quarter of Eridu, site of the main monumental structures of the Ubaid period in Lower Mesopotamia, is poorly known for the Uruk period. They are very diverse: some use a sexagesimal system (base 60), which would become the universal system in subsequent periods, but others employ a decimal system (base 10) or even a mixed system called 'bisexagesimal', all of which makes it more difficult to understand the texts. The planners of this period were thus capable of creating a complete urban plan and thus had an idea of what a city was, including its internal organisation and principal monuments. A remarkable example is a List of Professions (ancestor of the series Lú.A, which is known from the 3rd millennium BC), in which various different types of craftsmen are listed (potters, weavers, carpenters, etc. [40] It is largely as a result of the findings of these excavations that ideas of an "Uruk expansion" have arisen. Les colonies d'Uruk dans le nord ont été abandonnées et les grandes villes du nord et du sud ont connu une forte diminution de la population et une augmentation du nombre de petites colonies rurales. It is probably best to understand an organisation in 'city-states' like those that existed in the 3rd millennium BC. Guillermo Algaze adopted the World-systems theory of Immanuel Wallerstein and theories of international trade, elaborating the first model that sought to explain the Uruk civilization. Its roots lie in the societies of the Neolithic period, and the process is characterised by the increase of social inequality over the long term, visible in particular in the creation of monumental architecture and funerary materials by groups of the elite, which reinforced itself as a collective and managed to exercise its power in a firmer and firmer manner. The former site, which is the better known, has houses of different sizes, which cover an average area of 400 m2, while the largest have a footprint of more than 1000 m2. Per l'any 250 aC, un nou complex de santuaris del Temple Principal Le Brun and F. Vallat, "Les débuts de l'écriture à Suse,", For a quick representation of this tradition account, see J. Bottéro, « De l'aide-mémoire à l'écriture », dans. [41][117] Urbanisation is not found everywhere in the sphere of influence of the Uruk culture; at its extreme northern edge, the site of Arslantepe had a palace of notable size but it was not surrounded by any kind of urban area. Clay was not the sole building material: some structures were built in stone, notably the limestone quarried about 50 km west of Uruk (where gypsum and sandstone were also found). Sota els Susa has also yielded some of the most ancient writing tablets, making it a key site for our understanding of the origins of writing. Early urbanisation should therefore be thought of as a phenomenon which took place simultaneously in several regions of the Near East in the 4th millennium BC, though further research and excavation is still required in order to make this process clearer to us.[70][69][116]. A little further north, is a third possibly Urukian colony, Sheikh Hassan, on the middle Euphrates. [126] The development of these administrative practices necessitated the development of a system of measurement which varied depending on what they were to measure (animals, workers, wool, grain, tools, pottery, surfaces, etc.). [121], Seals were used to secure merchandise that had been stocked or exchanged, to secure storage areas, or to identify an administrator or merchant. [27] The architectural profile of the site consists of two monumental groups located 500 metres apart. 3500–2900 BC. Les nouvelles données provenant des sites de Girdi Qala et Logardan (Kurdistan d’Irak) commencent à offrir une image renouvelée de l’expansion de la culture d’Uruk, qui débute, dans le piémont mésopotamien du Zagros central, dès la seconde moitié du Chalcolithique récent 2 local (LC2), contemporain de l’Uruk ancien du Sud mésopotamien. Tots els temples i canals van ser La producció cinematogràfica de tot el món ha omplert les nostres pantalles de gèneres, escenaris i situacions diverses, fantàstiques o reals, presents, passades o futures. [50][51] But in this region, the Urukian influence becomes increasingly ephemeral, as one gets further from Mesopotamia. Thus, it increasingly appears that the region's neighbouring Lower Mesopotamia did not wait for the Urukians in order to begin an advanced process of increasing social complexity or urbanisation, as the example of the large site of Tell Brak in Syria shows, which encourages us to imagine the phenomenon from a more 'symmetrical' angle. In this period or even later (at latest around 2800–2700 BC), another type of meaning was recorded by means of the rebus principle: an association of pictograms could indicate actions (for example head + water = drink), while homophony could be used to represent ideas ('arrow' and 'life' were pronounced the same way in Sumerian, so the sign for 'arrow' could be used to indicate 'life', which would otherwise be difficult to represent pictorially). [71][72] Influences can be seen in the visual arts of Egypt, in imported products, and also in the possible transfer of writing from Mesopotamia to Egypt,[72] and generated "deep-seated" parallels in the early stages of both cultures.[68]. En attendant les beaux jours et le linge qui sèche au vent ... Suse II : époque d'Uruk (3500 - 3100 avant J.-C.) Grande jarre à bec verseur tubulaire tombant Terre cuite rose Département des Antiquités orientales Sb 19314. [93] The gods seem to be associated with specific cities - as was characteristic of Mesopotamia from the 3rd millennium BC—rather than being linked to specific forces of nature. These have been the object of numerous studies because they are very good evidence for the mental universe of the people of this period and a means for diffusing symbolic messages, as a result of the possibility of representing more complex scenes than on stamp seals, since they could be rolled out indefinitely, creating a narration with more dynamism than stamps. (ed. These houses thus had a private space separated from a public space where guests could be received. Study of the buildings on this site shows that it was a planned settlement, which would have required significant means. [1] Named after the Sumerian city of Uruk, this period saw the emergence of urban life in Mesopotamia and the Sumerian civilization. [125] In general, a first development (occurring around 3300–3100 BC) is however retained as being based on accounting and management practices, and has been explored in more detailed by H. Nissen and R. Englund. The Uruk period (ca. The development of religious thought in this period remains very poorly understood. 4000 to 3100 BC; also known as Protoliterate period) existed from the protohistoric Chalcolithic to Early Bronze Age period in the history of Mesopotamia, after the Ubaid period and before the Jemdet Nasr period. Període Ubaid Late Uruk XVIII-XVI (4800-4200 aC). Further north, in the Zagros, the site of Godin Tepe in the Kangavar valley is particularly important. From Telloh, ancient city of Girsu. G. Philip, "Contacts between the 'Uruk' world and the Levant during the fourth millennium BC: evidence and interpretation," J. N. Postgate (ed. AbydosDynasty E2.IRI12.GAL, Sumèria: ES-gal) d'Ishtar va ser afegit als districtes d'Anu i Eanna. The causes and course of the origins of writing are disputed. Període primerenc d'Uruk-X XVI (4000-3800 aC). Uruk va entrar de nou en un període de decadència, de la qual mai es va [76] This system which progressively developed over two thousand years enabled higher yields, leaving more surplus than previously for workers, whose rations mainly consisted of barley. Moreover, wool could be exported easily (unlike perishable food products), which may have meant that the Mesopotamians had something to exchange with their neighbours who had more in the way of primary materials. En aquest moment, Chogha Mish era de nou el lloc principal de la plana oriental de Susiana. It is possible that these sites were part of a state implanted in the region by people from south Mesopotamia and were developed in order to take advantage of important commercial routes.[42]. [33] The Uruk period levels at Susa are called Susa I (c. 4000–3700 BC) and Susa II (c. 3700–3100 BC), during which the site became an urban settlement. [3][4], It was during this period that pottery painting declined as copper started to become popular, along with cylinder seals.[5]. In the model developed by Denise Schmandt-Besserat, the tokens were first reported on the clay envelopes, then on clay tablets and this led to the creation of the first written signs, which were pictograms, drawings which represent a physical object (logograms, one sign = one word). CNRS Editions, Paris (2003) Google Scholar. Fragments of clay cones from a wall mosaic were found. [20] It may also have become a highly populated and urbanised region in the 4th millennium BC,[21] with a social hierarchy, artisanal activities, and long-distance commerce. The architects and artisans who worked on these sites this had the opportunity to display a high level of creativity. Some researchers have attempted to explain this final stage as the arrival of new populations of Semitic origin (the future Akkadians), but there is no conclusive proof of this. The study of houses at the sites of Habuba Kabira and Jebel Aruda has revealed the social evolution which accompanied the appearance of urban society. J.-D. Forest, "The State: The Process of State Formation as Seen from Mesopotamia," S. Pollock and R. Bernbeck (ed.). P. Butterlin has proposed that the links tying southern Mesopotamia to its neighbours in this period should be seen as a 'world culture' rather than an economic 'world system', in which the Uruk region provided a model to its neighbours, each of which took up more adaptable elements in their own way and retained some local traits essentially unchanged. The excavator of the site thinks that there was an enclave of people from Lower Mesopotamia who lived on the site alongside a majority population of local people. These motifs match the functions of the subsequent Sumerian kings: war-leader, chief priest, and builder. With its high transport capacity (about double that of a human), it enabled the further development of trade over short and long distances. [43] A little to the east of Tell Brak is Hamoukar, where excavations began in 1999. The relative decline in the cultivation of flax for linen freed land for the growth of cereals as well as sesame, which was introduced to Lower Mesopotamia at this time and was a profitable replacement for flax since it provided sesame oil. In the Khabur valley, Tell Brak was an important urban centre from the 5th millennium BC, one of the largest of the Uruk period, since it covered over 110 hectares at its height. The domestication of the donkey was also an advance of considerable importance, because they were more useful than the wheel as a means of transport in mountainous regions and for long-distance travel, before the spoked wheel was invented. See more ideas about mesopotamia, eastern art, sumerian. d'Anu. Tombs also show a growing differentiation of wealth and thus an increasingly powerful elite, who sought to distinguish themselves from the rest of the population by obtaining prestige goods, through trade if possible and by employing increasingly specialised artisans. But the phenomenon which is known as the Uruk expansion is detected on sites situated across a vast zone of influence, covering the whole Near East, regions which were not all really part of the Uruk culture, which was strictly-speaking limited to Lower Mesopotamia. In 2001, a new chronology has been proposed by the members of a colloquium at Santa Fe, based on recent excavations, especially at sites outside Mesopotamia. Level IV of the Eanna is divided into two monumental groups: in the west, a complex centred on the 'Temple with mosaics' (decorated with mosaics made of painted clay cones) of level IVB, subsequently covered by another building (the 'Riemchen Building') of level IVA. [75] As for the date palm, we know from archaeological discoveries that these fruits are consumed in Lower Mesopotamia in the 5th millennium BC. Depuis la découverte en Syrie des sites de Habuba Kabira et de Djebel Aruda dans les années 1970, qui ont rapidement été considérés comme des colonies ou comptoirs des porteurs de la civilisation d'Uruk partis s'installer loin de leurs terres, on s'est interrogé sur la nature des relations entre la Basse Mésopotamie et les régions voisines. The development of metallurgy also implies the development of long-distance trade in metals. As already stated, the cult places are very difficult to identify archaeologically, in particular in the area of the Eanna in Uruk. In any case, both institutions were dominant in the later periods of Lower Mesopotamia's history. This phase of "Late Uruk" is followed by another phase (level III of Eanna) in which the Uruk civilization declined and a number of distinct local cultures developed throughout the Near East. The idea that the Uruk period saw the appearance of a true state, simultaneously with the appearance of the first cities (following Gordon Childe), is generally accepted in scholarship but has been criticised by some scholars, notably J.D. The artists of Uruk created many remarkable works, represented above all by the works in the Sammelfund (hoard) of level III of Eanna (Jemdet Nasr period). The aspects traced here are mostly those of the Late Uruk period, which is the best known and undoubtedly the period in which the most rapid change took place—it is the moment when the characteristic traits of the ancient Mesopotamian civilization were established. 1)Période sumerienne: Sumer ,epoque d’URUK: -Uruk fut la plus peuplée des villes de la premiere urbanisation mésopotamienne. Named after the Sumerian city of Uruk, this period saw the emergence of urban life in Mesopotamia and the Sumerian civilization. Some scholars explain the development of the first cities by their role as ceremonial religious centres, others by their role as hubs for long-distance trade, but the most widespread theory is that developed largely by Robert McCormick Adams which considers the appearance of cities to be a result of the appearance of the state and its institutions, which attracted wealth and people to central settlements, and encouraged residents to become increasingly specialised.

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