callon et al 2001

17 Jan callon et al 2001

CAS  Pain experiences of traumatically injured patients in a critical care setting. Clinicians asked 75 ARV-related questions: 23 clarification, 12 broad, 17 positively-framed, and 23 negatively-framed. Google Scholar. aucun « système d’explication causale » (CALLON et : al., 2001) n’a pu être établi entre l’exposition à la radioactivité et l’apparition de pathologies, pour des doses inférieures à 100mSv (2). 2010). are formed in processes of negotiation (Callon et al. This study evaluated how clinicians assess antiretroviral (ARV) adherence in clinical encounters, and which questions elicit accurate responses. PubMed Central  Limited patient adherence to highly active antiretroviral therapy for HIV-1 infection in an observational cohort study. Google Scholar. Michel Callon, enginyer i sociòleg francès, és professor de sociologia a l'Ecole des mines de Paris.Nascut en 1945, es graduà en enginyeria el 1967 en el mateix centre i immediatament entrà com a investigador en el Centre de Sociologie de l'Innovation creat per Pierre Laffitte el qual dirigiria durant dotze anys, des de 1982 fins al 1994. Marine primary production is the chemical synthesis in the ocean of organic compounds from atmospheric or dissolved carbon dioxide.It principally occurs through the process of photosynthesis, which uses light as its source of energy, but it also occurs through chemosynthesis, which uses the oxidation or reduction of inorganic chemical compounds as its source of energy. Il émerge dans un contexte caractérisé par l’expansion voire la démocratisation de la recherche, par la nécessité d’élaborer des modèles de recherche plus adaptés aux demandes sociales ainsi que par des questionnements sur les critères de scientificité utilisés par la communauté scientifique (Callon, Lascoumes, et al., 2001). (fr) 2001, Devine et al. Source : Callon et al, 2001, Agir dans un monde incertain, Le Seuil (cité par Peltier, 2010). Individuals with autism are impaired in their development of imitation abilities with regard both to 2002;16:605–13. AIDS Behav. BMC Health Serv Res. Arch Intern Med. 2006;10:227–45. L’étude et le suivi de la biodiversité, qui sont des domaines de prédilection pour l’application des principes de sciences citoyennes (du fait d'une quantité de données à recueillir considérable sur l'ensemble du territoire, d'espaces « hors laboratoires », c'est-à-dire accessibles à tous (Michel Callon et al., 2001 [36]) sont ainsi à l'honneur lors de cet événement. 2010;25:682–7. Article  AIDS Lond Engl. (2001), permet de cerner les limites de cette approche dans le contexte étudié. & Company Commitment is understood as the emotional attachment to the provider. Barfod TS, Hecht FM, Rubow C, Gerstoft J. Physicians’ communication with patients about adherence to HIV medication in San Francisco and Copenhagen: a qualitative study using Grounded Theory. The authors discuss the implications for political decision making in general and describe a “dialogic” democracy that enriches traditional representative democracy. concernés par un problème (Callon et Ripp, 1992; Callon et al. How do providers assess antihypertensive medication adherence in medical encounters? (1986). AIDS and Behavior PubMed  Anesthesiol. pousser certains à conduire de nouvelles recherches et donc à produire de nouveaux savoirs (Callon et al., 2001) (quelles sont les transformations sociales qui accompagnent les controverses sur la consommation de viande ?). 2002;16:269–77. More Modifiable Pandharipande P, et al. At some level it is obvious that institutions matter. Sur le plan contextuel, on observe que le management institutionnel de l’enseignement supérieur et de la recherche accorde une importance croissante à l’exploitation des travaux scientifiques (e.g. Article  Mundy et al. Provider inaccuracy in assessing adherence and outcomes with newly initiated antiretroviral therapy. Dans cette perspective, le GIEC réunit des spécialistes du monde entier et de diverses disciplines, afi n d’informer les gouvernements sur l’état des connaissances, et d’étudier les politiques envisageables. The LSAP could reduce the yields on long‐term bonds in a combination of ways, including a reduction in the … Callon, Michel 1991. Son domaine de recherches principal est les science and technology studies. hybride (Callon et al., 2001) et le réseau se complexifie. 2001) and policy and institutional analyses (e.g., Ostrom 1990, 1996, Edelenbos 1999, Enserink and Monnikhof 2003, Bots … Google Scholar. Callon, Michel 1987. None of the authors have any relevant financial conflicts of interest. The authors of Acting in an Uncertain World argue that political institutions must be expanded and improved to manage these controversies, to transform them into productive conversations, and to bring about “technical democracy.” They show how “hybrid forums”—in which experts, non-experts, ordinary citizens, and politicians come together—reveal the limits of traditional delegative democracies, in which decisions are made by quasi-professional politicians and techno-scientific information is the domain of specialists in laboratories. Un article de la revue Lien social et Politiques (La démocratisation du social) diffusée par la plateforme Érudit. Cunningham et al. Tax calculation will be finalised during checkout. (2001) (Alpha=.867, CR=.877, AVE=.704). Dubois MJ, et al. PubMed  Its novel approach to understanding technical and ethical controversies shows how the uncertainties people share about the world and its future can become the source of new forms of democratic life. Subscription will auto renew annually. Cognitive and field testing of a new set of medication adherence self-report items for HIV care. 2001. Immediate online access to all issues from 2019. J Gen Intern Med. 2011;15:805–11. Of partic-ular interest was determination of possible differential aggrega-tions of anxiety disorders with mood disorders, changes in comor-bidity … Agir dans un monde incertain. Controversies over such issues as nuclear waste, genetically modified organisms, asbestos, tobacco, gene therapy, avian flu, and cell phone towers arise almost daily as rapid scientific and technological advances create uncertainty and bring about unforeseen concerns. found that dogs demonstrated a preference for diets containing soybean meal, rather than diets containing poultry offal meal. 2002, Callon 1998). An interactional analysis system for medical interactions. travaux (Callon et al., 2001) et sur la place de telles pratiques dans la professionnalité universitaire sont, à notre connaissance, plus rares (Donnay & Romainville, 1996). Le modèle de la Traduction développé par Callon et al. Today we publish over 30 titles in the arts and humanities, social sciences, and science and technology. Google Scholar. examine the effect of the December 2008 and March 2009 installments of the Federal Reserve’s Large‐Scale Asset Purchase (LSAP) programs. For these reasons, it is necessary to explore simpler and participatory methodologies that can foster social learning in the context of public policy (Bennett & Howlett, 1992; Hall, 1993; Rose, 1993). What is the correct use of et al. C est cette approche pragmatique qui a été utilisée pour mieux comprendre les débats autour de la consommation de viande. PubMed  (2001) found that, in mixed-gender negotiating dyads, simply labeling the negotiation as diagnostic of ability improved men’s ability to negotiate but hindered women’s performance at … 2 certains acteurs, pris dans des relations avec une institution publique, en les confrontant durablement à des occurrences ou des situations-problèmes (Dewey, 2014) ou problématiques3, sur lesquelles ces acteurs ont du mal à avoir prise4.Cet affaiblissement est donc un processus (et non un We conducted conversation analysis of audio-recorded encounters between 34 providers and 58 patients reporting ARV non-adherence in post-encounter interviews. Medical Communication Behavior System. Walsh JC, Mandalia S, Gazzard BG. Un article de la revue Revue internationale P.M.E. Les éléments d'analyse offerts par les différentes approches du DD pourraient ainsi enrichir les réflexions régulationnistes en la matière (Callon et al. This book is a path breaking contribution to the study of democracy. tante de la construction d’un problème public via sa médiatisation (3 ème partie). TO WHAT EXTENT DOES THE AGE OF A PATIENT INFLUENCE HOW NURSES PERCEIVE AND RESPOND TO A PATIENT'S PERCEPTION OF PAIN 23 Sumpton, J. E. & Moulin, D. E. (2001). Which Clinician Questions Elicit Accurate Disclosure of Antiretroviral Non-adherence When Talking to Patients?. DMCA R.callon “Multiprotocol Label Switching Architecture”,. Such a democratization of democracy could have implications far beyond the public understanding of science. Sans compter aussi sur le fait que la science est elle-même une construction sociale comme nous avons pu le développer précédemment avec notamment la sociologie des sciences (Callon, 1986, 1988, Callon & Latour, 1990, Callon et al., 2007, Callon et al., 2001). Callon et al (2001) fait référence à des mondes toujours mouvants, en devenir, potentiels, en ce sens qu’ils sont des résultats des controverses et non des cad res qui contraignent leur configuration et les épreuves. ? Br J Gen Pract. Katy Perry, de son vrai nom Katheryn Elizabeth Hudson, née le 25 octobre 1984 à Santa Barbara (Californie), est une auteur-compositrice-interprète américaine de musique pop et rock. Hussein 1999 ; Albaladejo et al. Ann Fam Med. Clinical data suggested that ERW improved oxygen stress-related diseases (Hayashi & Kawamura, 2002).The authors reported that ERW scavenged ROS and inhibited ROS-induced DNA damage in vitro (Shirahata et al., 1997).Electrolysis of water produces a strong reducing circumstance in the vicinity of a cathode, because most voltage is applied in the very narrow water layer nearby the … Wolraich ML, Albanese M, Stone G, Nesbitt D, Thomson E, Shymansky J, et al. Med Care. Self-determination theory thus represents a comprehensive (2001), is measured with two items assessing the overall feeling of trust in the provider (Alpha=n.a., CR=.909, AVE=.833). 2009; 13:R77. Optimal recall period and response task for self-reported HIV medication adherence. To invent new procedures for consultation and representation, they suggest, is to contribute to an endless process that is necessary for the ongoing democratization of democracy. & Company Trust, also in line with De Wulf et al. Beach MC, Saha S, Korthuis PT, Sharp V, Cohn J, Wilson IB, et al., DOI:, Over 10 million scientific documents at your fingertips, Not logged in AIDS Behav. Chesney MA, Ickovics JR, Chambers DB, Gifford AL, Neidig J, Zwickl B, Patient Care Committee & Adherence Working Group of the Outcomes Committee of the Adult AIDS Clinical Trials Group (AACTG), et al. Distributed with "Brief intervention for hazardous and harmful drinking : a manual for use in primary care" in one folder entitled "Screening and brief intevention for alcohol problems in primary care" Garber MC, Nau DP, Erickson SR, Aikens JE, Lawrence JB. PubMed  PubMed  Curr HIV/AIDS Rep. 2009;6:177–86. Among 42 visits where adherence status was unknown by providers, 4 providers … This was determined using a two-pan test where they recorded which food the dogs approached first, and total consumption of the diet over a 30-min test period ( 35 ). leur monopole de la technique (Callon et al., 2001) ; • la consolidation de nouveaux territoires d’action collective, notamment les métropoles au sein desquels des mouvements sociaux avaient, dès les années 1970, fait le procès d’une intégration politique « par le haut » (Hamel et al., Lee CG, Homer RJ, Zhu Z, et al. The Translation Model, developed by Callon et al. Crit Care. Primary care provider cultural competence and racial disparities in HIV care and outcomes. Callon, W., Saha, S., Korthuis, P.T. 2000;12:255–66. Stanik-Hutt, J. 2006;6:154. Article  This study evaluated how clinicians assess antiretroviral (ARV) adherence in clinical encounters, and which questions elicit accurate responses. (Weber et al., 2011).According to center of dieases control and precvention, A study conducted by excessive use of medication to minimize or to treat infection can Gross R, Bilker WB, Friedman HM, Coyne JC, Strom BL. ICM. Part of Springer Nature. AIDS Care. Validation of a simplified medication adherence questionnaire in a large cohort of HIV-infected patients: the GEEMA Study. Google Scholar. Le monde capitaliste entre marketing et normalisation industrielle, Séminaire du Centre de recherche en histoire des sciences et des techniques, Cité des sciences et de l'industrie, La Villette, Paris, 11 mars. MIT Press began publishing journals in 1970 with the first volumes of Linguistic Inquiry and the Journal of Interdisciplinary History. La science doit s’accommoder voire évoluer selon les attentes de la société et réfléchir ainsi à son acceptabilité sociale. 1981, Ungerer and Sigman 1984, Mundy et al. Article  1988, Callon et al., 2001). We conducted conversation analysis of audio-recorded encounters between 34 providers and 58 patients reporting ARV non-adherence in post-encounter interviews. 2001). 1994 ; Chambers et al. AIDS Care. D’autre part, la mise en relation de pluralité de logiques d’action dans l’émergence de la RICE conduit à considérer les conditions de la controverse par laquelle s’opèrent les traductions permettant à des mondes hétérogènes de se constituer en réseau (Callon, 1986 ; Callon et al., 2001… US20030085296A1 US09/985,284 US98528401A US2003085296A1 US 20030085296 A1 US20030085296 A1 US 20030085296A1 US 98528401 A US98528401 A US 98528401A US 2003085296 A1 US2003085296 A1 US 2003085296A1 Authority US United States Prior art keywords weather sound waves formation hurricane storm Prior art date 2001-11-02 Legal status (The legal status is an … Beach MC, Roter D, Korthuis PT, Epstein RM, Sharp V, Ratanawongsa N, et al. Felix et al. London: MIT Press. Hinkin CH, Hardy DJ, Mason KI, Castellon SA, Durvasula RS, Lam MN, et al. A record of atmospheric carbon dioxide (CO2) concentration during the transition from the Last Glacial Maximum to the Holocene, obtained from the Dome Concordia, Antarctica, ice core, reveals that an increase of 76 parts per million by volume occurred over a period of 6000 years in four clearly distinguishable intervals. None of the funders had a role in the design and conduct of this analysis, nor was it subject to their final approval. Data reported to NREVSS between 1990 and 2006 were used to assess seasonality among regional, state, and local areas. volume 20, pages1108–1115(2016)Cite this article. 1997;90:205–8. How well do clinicians estimate patients’ adherence to combination antiretroviral therapy? Am J Crit Care, 10 (3), 252-259. 2007; 33:66-73. 2002) are seen as key elements in market construction. © 2021 Springer Nature Switzerland AG. 2007;12:86–94. This lucid and engaging book not only breathes new life into science and technology studies, but it also reinvents and re-enchants politics. et al. A randomized comparison of two instruments for measuring self-reported antiretroviral adherence. 1997 ; Argyris 1995 ; Scoones et al. 2006:104:21-26. Camera-related behaviors during video recorded medical interactions. Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, Baltimore, MD, USA, Wynne Callon, Richard D. Moore & Mary Catherine Beach, Portland VA Medical Center, Portland, OR, USA, Department of Medicine, Oregon Health Sciences University, Portland, OR, USA, Department of Health Services, Policy & Practice, Brown University School of Public Health, Providence, RI, USA, Department of Medicine, Wayne State University, Detroit, MI, USA, You can also search for this author in Callon M., Méadel C, Rabeharisoa V., 2001, L'économie des qualités, Politix (à paraître). Simoni JM, Kurth AE, Pearson CR, Pantalone DW, Merrill JO, Frick PA. Self-report measures of antiretroviral therapy adherence: a review with recommendations for hiv research and clinical management. (2004) Computer network. Interleukin-13 induces tissue fibrosis by selectively stimulating and activating transforming growth factor beta(1). Van Rompaey B et al. 1992), improved diagnostic reliability (see Method; T. A. infections. 2006;20:269–74. Callon et alii (Callon et al., 2001), donnent la définition suivante du terme de « forum hybride » : le forum hybride est le résultat d’un débat politique, d’une expérimentation et des apprentissages collectifs. J Fam Pract. Health Expect. Meaning: and others. Deborah G. Johnson and Jameson M. Wetmore,, International Affairs, History, & Political Science. Bartnicki v. Vopper, 532 U.S. 514 (2001), is a United States Supreme Court case relieving a media defendant of liability for broadcasting a taped conversation of a labor official talking to other union people about a teachers' strike. Fort heureusement, ses contributions sont bien connues en dehors du champ sociologique. Mitchel et al. Fowler FJ, Lloyd SJ, Cosenza CA, Wilson IB. Google Scholar. Cochoy F., 1997, Comment se prémunir à la fois de l'État et du marché ? (2001). Bangsberg DR, Hecht FM, Clague H, Charlebois ED, Ciccarone D, Chesney M, et al. CAS  - "Techno-economic networks and irreversibility." PubMed Google Scholar. Penner LA, Orom H, Albrecht TL, Franks MM, Foster TS, Ruckdeschel JC. Pringle M, Stewart-Evans C. Does awareness of being video recorded affect doctors’ consultation behaviour? J Gen Intern Med. al. 2003;22:857-862), which analyzed weekly antigen detection data reported by laboratories to NREVSS. Michel Callon (né en 1945) est un sociologue et ingénieur français. AIDS Lond Engl. Callon et al., 2001), à produire des éléments d’intelligibilité de cette matière phénoménale que constituent les flux de savoirs dans les organisations (Hatchuel, 2002). Medication adherence in HIV-infected adults: effect of patient age, cognitive status, and substance abuse. 1986). can expect (Jobert & Muller, 1987; Callon et al., 2001). J Gen Intern Med. In contrast, thwarted need satisfaction is related to behavioral disregulation and aggres-sion (Shields, Ryan, & Cicchetti, 2001) and health-undermining behaviors such as drug use (Williams, Cox, Hedberg, & Deci, 2000). Lu M, Safren SA, Skolnik PR, Rogers WH, Coady W, Hardy H, et al. PubMed Central  The crucial contribution of this book is to suggest that this 'philosophy in the wild' could provide the basis for all who have to act in an uncertain world. 2001;26:435–42. Improving the self-report of HIV antiretroviral medication adherence: is the glass half full or half empty? Self-reported adherence to antiretroviral medications among participants in HIV clinical trials: the AACTG adherence instruments. Google Scholar. In this provocative book, Michel Callon analyses the hybrid forums taking shape in the controversial sites where science overflows into the everyday world, where specialist knowledge is being challenged, new kinds of dialogic democracy are being born, and new styles of measured action are coming into being that enable human beings to reach decisions despite endemic uncertainty. Providers can improve disclosure probability by asking directly about missed doses. J R Soc Med. (2012) support a possible biphasic dose response, as do many other data (Advisory Group on Ionising Radiation 2010; Little et al. Beach MC, Saha S, Korthuis PT, Sharp V, Cohn J, Wilson I, et al. Differences in patient-provider communication for Hispanic compared to non-Hispanic white patients in HIV care. Mannheimer S, Thackeray L, Huppler Hullsiek K, Chesney M, Gardner EM, Wu AW, et al. 2004;42:649–52. Peräkylä A. Provider assessment of adherence to HIV antiretroviral therapy. It traces a new democratic politics of the unknown. CAS  2002;16:1835–7. 2002;17:1–11. 2008;20:161–9. Further, technologies in the widest sense (a pair of scales, cash registers) (Callon 1998) but lately also the Internet (Callon et al. (2011) and Rödel et al. N’étant pas sociologue, je ne pourrai décrire avec l’érudition requise tout ce que Michel Callon a pu apporter à sa discipline. This lucid and engaging book not only breathes new life into science and technology studies, but also reinvents and re-enchants politics. (2001) les forums hybrides sont un des instruments de la démocratie dialogique qu’ils appellent de leurs vœux pour compenser les défauts de la démocratie délégative. AIDS Lond Engl. Witness, for example, the divergent paths of North and South Korea, or East and West Germany, where one part of the country stagnated under central planning and collec- … précédent sommaire suivant Rechercher sur le site: Distanciation et engagement Antoine Goxe, « CALLON (Michel), LASCOUMES (Pierre), BARTHE (Yannick), 2001, Agir dans un monde incertain.Essai sur la démocratie technique, Paris, Le Seuil (collection "La couleur des idées"), 358 pages.Développement durable et territoires (2001) allows us to determine the limits of this approach within the context under study. Passages aménagés dans les clôtures pour les tortues. AIDS Behav 20, 1108–1115 (2016). AIDS Behav. J Gen Intern Med. science (Beck, 1986/2001). While these conceptions of community are historically understandable (cf. Questions were classified as: (1) clarification of medication (“Are you still taking the Combivir?”); (2) broad (“How’s it going with your meds?”); (3) positively-framed (“Are you taking your medications regularly?”); (4) negatively-framed (“Have you missed any doses?”). 1990;30:294–9. (Latour 2004: 140-148), est devenue nécessaire sinon inévitable (Callon et al. 2004, Kazakçi and Tsoukiàs 2005), ergonomy (e.g., Gaillard and Lamonde 2001), sociology of work and science (e.g., Vinck 1999, Callon et al. A call for a new form of democracy in which “hybrid forums” composed of experts and laypeople address such sociotechnical controversies as hazardous waste, genetically modified organisms, and nanotechnology. (Saint et al., 2008; Banks et al., 2016).All the urinray tract infection is expected that approximately more than 70% infection eported because of indewelling cathters. « Dans les deux cas, les controverses portent à la fois sur la caractérisation des dangers et sur la procédure à mettre en place pour aboutir à une caractérisation qui soit considérée comme crédible et légitime. The adherence-monitoring sequence in the medical interview. According to Callon et al. Despite high-level commitments to accelerate global action against non-communicable diseases (NCDs), the world is not on-track to reach Sustainable Development Goal 3.4 to reduce premature mortality from major NCDs by 30% between 2015 and 2030. Des études épidémiologiques ont montré que la consommation de lait de ferme assurerait une protection contre l’asthme et l’allergie (Waser et al, 2007). Negatively-framed questions were 3.8 times more likely to elicit accurate disclosure than all other question types (p < 0.0001). 1986;24:891–903. Conversation analysis: a new model of research in doctor-patient communication. (Volume 32, numéro 2, 2019, p. … bien d’un point de vue pédagogique (Béchard, 2001 ; Béchard et Pelletier, 2001, 2004 ; Cros, 2000, 2004 ; Hannan et al., 1999 ; et d’autres) que d’un point de vue technologique (Flichy, 2003a), à ce dispositif.

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