anthropologie collège de france

17 Jan anthropologie collège de france

1, Paris, François Maspero, 1980, p. 87); translated by Thomasina Ross: Personal Narrative of Travels to the Equinoctial Regions of America during the Years 1799-1804, vol. Saying that nature exists only inasmuch as it conveys meaning and is transfigured into something other than itself implies that this contingent meaning is given to a facet of reality that has no intrinsic meaning; that a stubborn factuality can be constituted as a representation; and that the symbolic function has some anchorage in an ultimate phenomenal referent, guarantor of our common humanity and protection against the nightmare of solipsism. Yet everyone knows that this is a fiction, for there is constant interlinking and mutual determination between the universal constraints of life and instituted habits, between the necessity where humans find themselves of existing as organisms in environments that they have shaped only partly, and the ability afforded them to give their interactions and the other entities of the world a host of particular significations. Are you the creator of this podcast? With hindsight, we can but be struck by the recurrence of the notion of totality in the writings of this versatile genius. Surely, by starting out from differences and not from those misleading phenomenal continuities that dissolve the diversity of instituted forms of presence to the world in the factitious unity of internal consciousness or of practical interaction. Of course I do not prohibit myself from drawing on historical and sociological studies for the material needed for my analyses, but I do so with the gaze of the ethnographer, that is, a gaze attentive to configurations of facts whose existence was first revealed by the observation of societies that developed in parallel with the West. Under cover of a relativism of method, seemingly respectful of the diversity of ways of experiencing the human condition, and on principle refuting hierarchies of values and institutions that are too tied up to the standards proposed by the modern West, an underground universalism has reigned alone, that of a homogeneous nature with respect to its borders, its effects and its main qualities. Philippe Descola Collège de France - Année 2018/2019 Anthropologie de la nature Yet it is in this undecided periphery where misunderstandings and ostracisms are born, in these margins where civilizations confront one another and judge or choose to ignore one another that ethnology has chosen to settle itself for over a century. If nature is a cultural construct of which each people proposes a variant, then, the original text from which everyone has drawn will eventually emerge in one way or another from behind the palimpsest of interpretations and glosses. For the knowledge that it has spawned, and that you have invited me to transmit in these solemn walls, my dear colleagues, has been acquired partly through conversations around the fire in the misty dawns of upper Amazonia, with men and women whose voices I still hear as I endeavour to relate what they told me. 22The time is ripe to answer a question that might well be asked: so where do you situate yourself, in the great debate between universalism and relativism? It is as though he used this term to exorcize the fragmentation of an immense work, and thus to emphasize his constant aspiration to achieve the combination of individual and collective plans through the singularity of an experience in which the play of institutions and their specific mode of assemblage would be revealed in their full complexity. I have also acquired it from all the dialogues that ethnologists have held in similar circumstances to ensure the survival, if not of the actual lifestyles that we have shared, then at least of the echo of the creative force that made their fulfilment possible. The Laboratoire d’anthropologie sociale, based at the Collège de France in Paris, will hire a researcher for a one-year post-doctoral contract starting 1 September 2014 to study the perception of animal diseases in southeast Asia (including China, India and Indonesia). Inscrivez-vous pour synchroniser les abonnements sur tous les appareils. Cote : CLS.69 26Let us now go back to more familiar shores and consider the properties that we attribute to the parrot. 22 mars 2018 10:00 12:00 Séminaire … Laboratoire d'anthropologie sociale - UMR 7130. Philippe Descola Collège de France - Année 2018/2019 Anthropologie de la nature Qu'est-ce que comparer ? This position takes part to the project « Social representations of pathogens at the frontiers … And even though this point of view has been criticized countless times, we carry on spontaneously adhering to it when we agree that humans are distinguished from non-humans by a reflexive conscience, subjectivity, the power to signify, the use of symbols, and language through which these faculties are expressed. The EHESS Claude Lévi-Strauss Library, originally known as the Social Anthropology Library, was founded in 1960 to serve as a resource for the Social Anthropology research center, founded the same year. Indeed, that is not what this is about, for although the field of discontinuities is immense, and unreasonable, no doubt, the ambition of exhausting all the figures it contains, the relations structuring these discontinuities is neither infinite nor is their setting arbitrary. ‎Sendung Collège de France (Anthropologie), Folge 07 - Qu'est-ce que comparer ? 15It is time for anthropology to challenge this type of heritage and to see the world with more emancipated eyes, free of the dualistic veil that the natural and life sciences have partially outdated, and that engendered many pernicious distortions in the understanding of peoples whose customs differed radically from ours. Saying that nature exists only inasmuch as it conveys meaning and is transfigured into something other than itself implies that this contingent meaning is given to a facet of reality that has no intrinsic meaning; that a stubborn factuality can be constituted as a representation; and that the symbolic function has some anchorage in an ultimate phenomenal referent, guarantor of our common humanity and protection against the nightmare of solipsism. 20The dominant schemas are also identifiable in so far as they show a significant difference with those prevailing in the immediate surroundings, as though each community endeavoured above all to differentiate itself from those around it or with which it coexisted. Anthropology was to be born from its ashes, this time permanently, but much later, in the 1860s, and elsewhere, primarily in Germany and in the English-speaking world. 5-45 Ouvrage: 1966. I have already mentioned just how artificial this opposition between the universality of nomothetic explanations and the relativity of historical and sociological interpretations seems to me; it is the mere translation, in apparently contradictory epistemological positions, of an empirical division of work, between natural and cultural sciences. Découvrez le programme. He thus gave back to the discipline, which was then little known outside of specialized circles, the prestige and authority that it currently enjoys in our country. Mar 29 2019 64 mins . 18The mission of anthropology, as I understand it, is therefore in no way ambiguous: it is to contribute, along with other sciences and by means of its own methods, to making intelligible the way in which the organisms of a particular kind fit into the world, select specific properties for their use, and contribute to modifying it by weaving, with it and between them, constant or occasional ties of remarkable yet finite diversity. Founded in 1960 by Claude Lévi-Strauss, then holder of the Chair in Social Anthropology at the Collège de France, the Laboratory of Social Anthropology has always had a broad mandate covering all the great themes of ethnology and social anthropology. Yet we see, for two reasons, that the common fate of the human and his or her double is very different from the material and spiritual continuity postulated by the Nungar. Ses recherches s’intéressent à l’évolution morphologique et sociale de la lignée humaine dans le cadre des théories modernes de l’évolution. Note however that the warp does not in any way correspond to Nature: it is the network of contrasting features of any nature that, like certain figures of Gestalt, allow for forms of recognition, markings of identity and various imputations as far as the structure of the world is concerned. Né en 1949 à Paris, Philippe Descola a fait des études de philosophie à l'Ecole normale supérieure de Saint-Cloud et d’ethnologie à l’Ecole pratique des hautes études (VIe section) où il a passé sa thèse sous la direction de Claude Lévi-Strauss. 2, Paris, Les Éditions de Minuit, 1974, p. 130. The Laboratory of Anthropology offers its readers a resource center consisting of a research library specializing in ethnology and another resource center on comparative studies (Human Relations Area Files - HRAF). ; Robert Boyer] -- Le rabat de la 1ère de couv. Faced with a bird of some kind, since it is with birds that we started off, I can assume either: that it has elements of physicality and interiority identical to my own, but which all together differ from those that my spouse or my brother-in-law share with another bird – which is what the Nungar do; or that its interiority and physicality are distinct from my own even though they display small enough differences to allow for relations of analogy – which is the case of the Otomi; or else that we have similar interiorities and heterogeneous physicalities – as the Achuar postulate; or finally that our interiorities are incommensurable and our physicalities likewise – as we ourselves presume. In short, he had the intuition that humans’ natural history was inseparable from the human history of nature, and that the “progressive habitability of the surface of the globe”, as he put it, depended as much on physical factors as on the widely diverse ways in which they were perceived and used by the societies that had received a share of them. XLVII, no. As we know, in Cartesian ontology animals are purely material beings because. 1530 la lettre 1530 la lettre Contacts. While this division was surely necessary in its day, to isolate domains with positive objects, its crystallization in a futile philosophical quarrel is presently essentially an obstacle to the progress of knowledge. Suspending our judgement as is required in any scientific endeavour, let us rather examine how, in all ages and under the most diverse climates, humans have been able collectively to take advantage of the field of possible contrasts available to them, so as to form, on the texture and the structure of things, singular configurations of relations of difference and similitude between existents and their properties, their dispositions, and their actions. « Philosophies », 2004 (ISBN 2-13-053583-6) This places it among people endowed with subjectivity and intentionality, which it can use to communicate with all the entities endowed with the same privilege. This text has been translated by Liz Libbrecht in collaboration with Céline Surprenant (Collège de France). Anthropologie de la nature (2000-2019) - Philippe Descola est anthropologue, lauréat de la médaille d'or du CNRS et Professeur émérite du Collège de France. All the concrete objects of ethnological investigation are situated in this zone where the collective institutions come together with the biological and psychological data that give the social its substance but not its form. It is rather the way of organizing relationships to the world and to others, shared by a large or small group of individuals. XVIII, p. 154. Personal Narrative of Travels to the Equinoctial Regions of America during the Years 1799-1804. , vol. Anthropologie de la nature (2000-2019) Collège de France. 11 Jacques Galinier, La Moitié du monde. My emotion as I take up this task again in an institution in which it has been illustrated with such brilliance is therefore not entirely devoid of mischievous regret. 09 - Qu'est-ce que comparer ? To conclude this lecture, Mr Administrator, dear colleagues, I would like to revert for a moment to the sources of anthropological knowledge. It is not that I wish to revive an outdated opposition between Us and Them, or affirm a theoretical distinction, between the object of ethnology and that of sociology or history; the work of Pierre Bourdieu and Nathan Wachtel in particular have adequately shown that this type of division is unfounded. Podcast du Collège de France RSS feed Share Share Subscribe on Podcast Addict Episodes; Reviews; 09 - Qu'est-ce que comparer ? Alexander von Humboldt had the same approach to the Amerindian peoples that he studied in the Orinoco and those on the high plains of the Andes and Mexico. The library was founded along with the laboratory in 1960, by Claude Lévi-Strauss. This tendency is also evidenced in the government of people, as attested by Confucian political philosophy and by conceptions of authority in the chieftainships of tropical horticulturists. Je commencerai cette note de recension par un remerciement. Yet everyone knows that this is a fiction, for there is constant interlinking and mutual determination between the universal constraints of life and instituted habits, between the necessity where humans find themselves of existing as organisms in environments that they have shaped only partly, and the ability afforded them to give their interactions and the other entities of the world a host of particular significations. A project of this nature had started to be implemented with Nicolas Baudin’s scientific expedition in Australia, which Humboldt nearly joined and for which Cuvier had written instructions. Sein letzter Vorlesungszyklus am Collège de France beginnt mit einer eingehenden Lektüre von »Was ist Aufklärung?«; und damit schließt sich ein Kreis, der Ende der fünfziger Jahre mit der Übersetzung von Kants Anthropologie in pragmatischer Hinsicht begann. The fact that an animal species is named after a general characteristic of its behaviour rather than by a term exclusively associated with it, a feature common in Australia, is partially explained by the status conferred on these two totemic birds. [Pierre Bourdieu; Patrick Champagne; Julien Duval; Franck Poupeau; Marie-Christine Rivière, sociologue). Par auteurs, Par personnes citées, Par mots-clés, Par dossiers, Par index géographique, Par index thématique, It has about fifty permanent members, both researchers and academics, and a hundred students preparing a thesis under their direction. He would then endeavour to illuminate the relations thus revealed, by examining similar situations in other regions of the world. If nature is a cultural construct of which each people proposes a variant, then, the original text from which everyone has drawn will eventually emerge in one way or another from behind the palimpsest of interpretations and glosses. Yet the humanity shared between the Achuar and the toucans is of a moral and not physical nature: their identical interiority underpinning their similarities is lodged in bodies with clearly different properties which define and make manifest the boundaries of separate but isomorphic social units in which their respective lives develop. 5Unfortunately this early effervescence was short-lived. For when it comes to institutionalized practices, knowing a function does not enable us to account for the specificity of the forms through which it is expressed, supposing for that matter that such finalism should be plausible in the order of purely biological phenomena. In short, to take Alfred Whitehead’s image, “the edges of nature are always ragged”. Extrait de la leçon inaugurale de Pierre Bourdieu en avril 1982, « l’efficacité proprement magique du rituel », reportage au Collège de France et archive, diffusés dans le cadre du magazine, Le bon plaisir « Pierre Bourdieu » sur France Culture, diffusion le 23 juin 1990. Collège de France (Anthropologie) Collège de France Courses 5.0 • 2 Ratings; Listen on Apple Podcasts. It is not that the object of this kind of identification is a crow or cockatoo observable in the environment, but rather that these species constitute the hypostases of a relationship of physical and moral identity between certain entities of the world – a relationship that transcends apparent morphological and functional differences, better to emphasize a common base of ontological similitude. 09 - Qu'est-ce que comparer ? , Evanston, Northwestern University Press, 1964, p. 161. Philippe Descola Collège de France. A distinction between nature and culture, which appeared at a late stage in the Western episteme, was thus extended without warning on the scale of humanity. Hence, the impossible alternative with which anthropology was confronted from the start: either relating the range of human behaviours to biological or ecological functions that the mask of culture might conceal in the eyes of those who are its playthings, or positing that the action of nature is always played out in cultural terms, and that culture is accessible to us only through the filters that it imposes, thus giving all power to the symbolic order to make the physical world acquire a reality for-itself. Carl Georg von Brandenstein, “Aboriginal Ecological Order in the South-West of Australia. The former depend on a small number of properties of social life, that is, on the different ways of maintaining my relationship to the other, while the latter are subjected to the principles of combination that anthropology and notably structural anthropology has started to register. Collège de France, 2020 … Écritures franco-allemandes de la Grande Guerre. The Laboratoire d’anthropologie sociale, based at the Collège de France in Paris, will hire a researcher for a one-year post-doctoral contract starting 1 September 2014 to study the perception of animal diseases in southeast Asia (including China, India and Indonesia). Philippe Descola Collège de France - Année 2013/2014 Anthropologie de la nature Les formes du paysage III Neuvième et dernier cours 09 - Les formes du paysage III - VIDEO 09 - Les formes du paysage III - AUDIO About Claude … Even though this type of definition cannot be substituted entirely for usual categories – culture, ethnic group, civilization, linguistic group, social milieu, etc. Philippe Descola Collège de France - Année 2018/2019 Anthropologie de la nature Qu'est-ce que comparer ? The Laboratoire d’anthropologie sociale, based at the Collège de France in Paris, will hire a researcher for a one-year post-doctoral contract starting 1st September 2014 to study the perception of animal diseases in southeast Asia (including China, India and Indonesia). This is where it hopes to gain more insight into the diverse regimes of humanity precisely there where the gaps between them seem greatest, and thus contribute to the construction of an anthropology that is less influenced by local prejudices. - VIDEO. Practices or institutions that seem similar, for having been described according to the same typological conventions, may very well prove to be totally dissimilar when, in their context of occurrence, we relate them to other practices and institutions that shed different light on them. L’anthropologie philosophique de Wilhelm von Humboldt. Vérifiez si votre institution a déjà acquis ce livre : authentifiez-vous à OpenEdition Freemium for Books. Labelled with the term “nagualism”, this belief, found throughout Mesoamerica, was formerly considered to testify to the indistinguishability between a human being and an animal, similar to that found in Australia. Neglected to some extent by his uncle and mentor, the physical context of human activity became once again a legitimate component of the dynamics of peoples, a potentiality that could be actualized in a particular type of social morphology rather than an autonomous and omnipotent constraint such as the “telluric factor” – the influence of soils on societies – that Mauss claimed geographers used excessively. The mission of anthropology, as I understand it, is therefore in no way ambiguous: it is to contribute, along with other sciences and by means of its own methods, to making intelligible the way in which the organisms of a particular kind fit into the world, select specific properties for their use, and contribute to modifying it by weaving, with it and between them, constant or occasional ties of remarkable yet finite diversity. Françoise Héritier was to pursue this route when she opened the vast field of the symbolic anthropology of the body, seeking to understand how elementary evidences of organic nature – primarily sexual differences – are combined in chains of associated significations whose arrangements in limited numbers weave a web of semantic invariants around the world. Hence, I would rather tend to opt for what could be called a relative universalism – relative in the sense of a relative pronoun, that is, which refers to a relationship. ; and, granted that, that we add the hypothesis that the formulae governing these processes of identification do not exist in unlimited numbers. Its research covers most parts of the world, including Europe, Africa, the Middle East, Central Asia, South and North … When Alexander von Humboldt returned from America, the Société des observateurs de l’homme had already dissolved, faced with the animosity of the Emperor who rightly saw it as a refuge for republican ideas. In this web of discontinuities there is no need first to draw the dividing lines that would distinguish a priori the animate from the inanimate, the solid from the immaterial, the realms of nature from beings of language and, among them, humans who live according to the laws of reason from those who believe in the supernatural. 17This is an impossible task, some will say, which could be likened to those inventories of correspondence that Renaissance thinkers undertook in the vain and magnificent hope that they might give meaning to the world by recording all its reverberations. Hence, the impossible alternative with which anthropology was confronted from the start: either relating the range of human behaviours to biological or ecological functions that the mask of culture might conceal in the eyes of those who are its playthings, or positing that the action of nature is always played out in cultural terms, and that culture is accessible to us only through the filters that it imposes, thus giving all power to the symbolic order to make the physical world acquire a reality for-itself. First, one must apply it to a corpus whose descriptive codes, modes of establishing proof, analytical canons and classificatory tools one masters. d'anthropologie sociale. As Mauss wrote: “when a science makes progress, it always does so in respect of the concrete, and always in respect of the unknown. , was thus extended without warning on the scale of humanity. It also allows us to circumvent the almost spontaneous tendency to interpret the particularisms of human groups in terms of the features that they brandish to distinguish themselves from their close neighbours. Ouvir. Start listening. To this end, it is first necessary to map these relations, to understand their nature better, to establish their modes of compatibility and incompatibility, and to examine how they are actualized in immediately distinctive ways of being. 11As we can see, anthropology has constantly been faced with the problem of the relations of continuity and discontinuity between nature and culture, a problem that has often been said to constitute the chosen field of this original form of knowledge. You will perhaps agree with me that none of the ontologies that I have mentioned here is more veracious than another in that it might offer a more precise reflection of a taxinomic organization, the objective order of which would have been legible forever in the structure of things. They were all equally committed to finding a single origin – be it psychological, social or experiential – to the intellectual constructions, which, insofar as they neglected the distinctions between humans and natural entities, seemed to run counter to the requirements of reason.

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